MSEndpointMgr / ConfigMgr

Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager scripts and tools
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Driver packages are not being retrieved #360

Closed allencQ85 closed 7 months ago

allencQ85 commented 7 months ago

I am trying to integrate this DAT tool, but whenever i try to Get all Driver packages, using the TestModernDrivermanagement.ps1, i get NO output. its as if there is no drivers at all. But when i run Get all Packages line, it see get everything else except the Driver packages.

Yes, my service account has read-only analyst permission. Wierd part is when i download my driver package (dell 5420) or Lenovo L14, I dont see the system SKU being added in the package properties details.!! Not sure if it related or not.

what can i do to get the driver packages to be detected by the by the AdminService. Anyone to assist please ? Thanks

allencQ85 commented 7 months ago

More info on error : Retrieved a total of '0' driver packages from AdminService matching operational mode: Production ApplyDriverPackage 2023-12-06 2:19:19 PM 5660 (0x161C)

when i use the browser, i dont see any output either.. https://FQDN/AdminService/wmi/SMS_Package?$filter=contains(Name,%27Drivers%27)

allencQ85 commented 7 months ago

i figured my issue out,.

  1. i was not using ConfigMgr- Standard pkg selection, instead i used ConfigMgr- Driver pkg, which created the regular packages with lots of inf files..
  2. i was getting issues with TLS/SSL mismatch, and found out i had an expired personal certficate. after reading this link.
allencQ85 commented 7 months ago

i hope this helps someone else trying to use this tool out there

merlinfrombelgium commented 6 months ago

Thank you for sharing what you found! Glad you got it sorted quickly :)