Open htcfreek opened 3 years ago
Could you give some code examples? Thanks
I planned to upload an complete ps script. But it will take time. On wednesday I might get access to the working script.
But you can find the reg keys and shortcuts (user startmenu and user desktop) by the property of uninstall/destination path. It's edge_proxy.exe
or something similar. For getting the shortcut destination you need the shell com object
I can backup the PWA shortcuts with this bit of code:
#function to aquire the users PWA shortcuts from the userprofile
function Get-EdgePWAShortcuts{
#Get all shortcuts from the userprofile and collect in array
$Shortcuts = Get-ChildItem -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Recurse $($env:USERPROFILE) -Include *.lnk
#Create shell object to analyse shortcut details
$Shell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
foreach ($Shortcut in $Shortcuts)
#Check if the shortcut is Edge based on the target path (this should be the PWA app)
if ($Shell.CreateShortcut($Shortcut).targetpath -like "*edge_proxy.exe") {
$Properties = @{
ShortcutName = $Shortcut.Name;
Path = $Shortcut.FullName;
ShortcutDirectory = $shortcut.DirectoryName
Target = $Shell.CreateShortcut($Shortcut).targetpath
#output the shortcut details as a PSObject
New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
#Release the shell object
[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Shell) | Out-Null
But I don't see how it makes a difference without the registry, which I am not seeing any good docs on how to couple with the PWA shortcuts that have some references in : Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Mappings
Now I donøt use these PWA, so I won't be a good tester.
Could you perhaps suggest some more code logic if you want this feature added?
I can't help you with this. As some things have changed and my old solution doesn't work anymore, I have removed it.
You should additional backup the web app shortcuts in startmenu/desktop (current user) and the corresponding uninstall keys in regedit (hkcu) too.
If you don't do that users could get problems while removing them or adding them to start.