MSF-UK / MSF-Dashboard

Standard version up, now in production mode! (examples, API and dev documentation coming soon)
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[Bug] DHMT bug - MoH #43

Open idrissait opened 7 years ago

idrissait commented 7 years ago

Waiting for details.

idrissait commented 7 years ago

Asked DB to the field

BRaimbault commented 7 years ago

I think I identified what their problem is, they did not used the folder tree indicated in the guide... The data-manager could not locate the files to overwrite them and correct the errors... Can you try to check that @idrissMSF ? It is clearly indicated that you have to use this folder tree in the guide, but you can select files from other folders which is misleading (and honestly not the best design)... It is a pain that we did not had a closer f/u this could have been identified and solved much earlier.

I am changing this behaviour and will upload a new version of the data manager to this repo by the end of the week.

BRaimbault commented 7 years ago

Problems occurring if user don't use predefined tree folder should be solved by new version: Not tested extensively though.

New release about to be publish with a working example.

BRaimbault commented 7 years ago

The release: