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User Profile - MY PROFILE #170

Open chiwaileung opened 4 years ago

chiwaileung commented 4 years ago

Copy the reply from Lucie at #177 PROFILE INFORMATION Employment Status - dropdown - please select

field worker (national) field worker (international) HQ staff (OC/PS) Job title - free text box - job title

Operational Center - dropdown - please select

OCA OCB OCBA OCG OCP inter-section IO Partner Sections/Branch Office/Mission/Project (if any) - free text - please specify

Manager Role? Yes or No (tick the box)

SETTINGS Country location - dropdown - one single entry allowed - please select Region of your portfolio - dropdown - multiple entries allowed - please select

RDD Feed - dropdown - multiple entries allowed - please select Language - dropdown - multiple entries allowed - please select timezone - drop down - one single entry allowed - please select All with suggestion pre-filled as per any standard platform

chiwaileung commented 4 years ago


hohangleung commented 4 years ago

Country location should be a location of OSM data verification

Since country location is a dropdown list, how can it be OSM data verification?

RSS Feed - dropdown

Please provide the available options / source?

After logout of the user, all the saved profile will be disappears.

Please make sure your are logging in as AD users

Other selective options has been updated

chiwaileung commented 4 years ago


RSS Feed - dropdown

Please provide the available options / source?

Country location should be a location of OSM data verification

Since country location is a dropdown list, how can it be OSM data verification?

Some of dropdown menu, no meaningful items ????


Please provide some suggestion.

hohangleung commented 4 years ago

Waiting for update for this issue.

LucieGueuning commented 4 years ago

As suggested above, please follow comments history of the issue #177 - Does that reply to your question? image

LucieGueuning commented 4 years ago

Please find options for the drop down of Region of your Portfolio: