MSFREACH / msf-reach

Web platform for MSF-REACH
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country tab #544

Open matthewberryman opened 6 years ago

matthewberryman commented 6 years ago

"Country details tab with ability to upload files for country (e.i. policy paper, country guidelines, etc.) not related to specific event." ~@luciegueuning

"To do it that way we'd need to:

  1. Create a separate page (IMHO), and definitely API, and change to the database schema to upload non-event files per country.
  2. Support multiple country tabs per event. " ~@matthewberryman (with edits made to reflect some more thoughts I just had)
anexact commented 6 years ago

This type of enhancement should be pushed to Phase 2 Extension as it is outside the scope of our current work until 24 August.

LucieGueuning commented 6 years ago

Can we make it as a hyperlink redirect to the SharePoint site. So only need a field text?

It was part of our discussion on Tuesday to ensure demo for Bangladesh (this Friday)

LucieGueuning commented 6 years ago

This was the mention of the demo needs. @matthewberryman