MSFREACH / msf-reach

Web platform for MSF-REACH
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Tweaks for 537 #626

Closed mehrdadgit closed 6 years ago

mehrdadgit commented 6 years ago

@matthewberryman this PR is to master but could merge to dev as well, down the track, to avoid potential conflicts

matthewberryman commented 6 years ago

Focus for now on column A of tabs 3-6, if there's some way of highlighting column B items too (maybe literally highlight them by fiddling with their CSS) then great, but main focus on column A.

mehrdadgit commented 6 years ago

Several fixes plus putting relevant categories in Edit mode based on column A are done.

matthewberryman commented 6 years ago

@qclin @mehrdadgit 8708417 has totally broken the event information display as it throws following errors when mapping reports:

Uncaught TypeError: First argument must be a String, HTMLElement, HTMLCollection, or NodeList
    at o (VM1156 clipboard.min.js:7)
    at e.value (VM1156 clipboard.min.js:7)
    at new e (VM1156 clipboard.min.js:7)
    at Object.onEachFeature (VM1167 events.js:649)
    at e.addData (VM1151 leaflet.js:3)
    at e.addData (VM1151 leaflet.js:3)
    at e.initialize (VM1151 leaflet.js:3)
    at new e (VM1151 leaflet.js:1)
    at Object.ii (VM1151 leaflet.js:1)
    at mapReports (VM1167 events.js:700)
clipboard.min.js:7 Uncaught TypeError: First argument must be a String, HTMLElement, HTMLCollection, or NodeList
    at o (clipboard.min.js:7)
    at e.value (clipboard.min.js:7)
    at new e (clipboard.min.js:7)
    at Object.onEachFeature (events.js:649)
    at e.addData (GeoJSON.js:124)
    at e.addData (GeoJSON.js:104)
    at e.initialize (GeoJSON.js:89)
    at new e (Class.js:22)
    at Object.ii (GeoJSON.js:415)
    at mapReports (events.js:734)