MSGW2018 / A6

Assignment 6. Production of messages for the web 2018
0 stars 1 forks source link

Revision by @carlagob #21

Closed mirenbz closed 6 years ago

mirenbz commented 6 years ago
carlagob commented 6 years ago

Hi! I would include more visual elements to make the page easier to read. So far I've added more text and sections, as well as links and media, such as emojis, links to YouTube videos and images.

Apart from that, the work is really good! There were very little spelling and grammar mistakes. And the information was right and clear.

@MSGW2018/group5 #21

carlagob commented 6 years ago

I have made some changes on the "E-government" page:

@MSGW2018/group5 @mberasategi #21

carlagob commented 6 years ago

I have made some changes on the "Hacktivism" page:

@MSGW2018/group5 @mberasategi #21

carlagob commented 6 years ago

I have made some changes on the "Open Government" page:

@MSGW2018/group5 @mberasategi #21

carlagob commented 6 years ago

Overall there were very little spelling mistakes and the information was correct. :thumbsup:

@MSGW2018/group5 @mberasategi #21

mirenbz commented 6 years ago

Hi @carlagob , good to see you back :relaxed: . If you have finished all the revisions assigned to you please go ahead and open a pull request as described in the CONTRIBUTING document.