MSGW2018 / A6

Assignment 6. Production of messages for the web 2018
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Revision by @paulasoroetaarizcuren #35

Closed mirenbz closed 6 years ago

mirenbz commented 6 years ago
paulasoroetaarizcuren commented 6 years ago

The changes that I have made in the first part: Journalism Changes are the following:

I have added a video about social networks and their influence on journalism and an article on digital journalism.

I decided to make these two contributions because I think they bring more knowledge to the article

paulasoroetaarizcuren commented 6 years ago

In the second part I made the following changes: on the one hand I added a link to a video about the functions of the journalist. In addition, in each section I have gone a little deeper into the information provided by the article and I have corrected some grammatical issues.

paulasoroetaarizcuren commented 6 years ago

Finally in the third part I added more information in some sections in order to increase the knowledge on the subject.