MSGhero / mono2D

My attempt at a framework using Heaps and ECS
MIT License
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Actually seriously consider Heaps vs Ceramic vs ??? as core #7

Open MSGhero opened 1 month ago

MSGhero commented 1 month ago

Would be good to list out pros and cons of each option, putting only slight weight toward needing to learn a new framework


  1. JS target (Newgrounds) + fast build target that isn't JS (HL seems best?)
  2. Nonzero support and nonzero hopes for the future
  3. Pre-existing sprite batcher
  4. At least rudimentary text support
  5. Shaders
  6. Lets me do what I want without severely duplicating code or writing wrappers
  7. But handles the low level stuff that scares me
MSGhero commented 1 month ago

Heaps: Meets every goal, but support is barely nonzero

MSGhero commented 1 month ago


  1. Ok I guess Electron is allowed to fulfill the fast build target even though it's JS

Meets every goal more or less. Support seems good. Custom buildchain and custom VSC plugin which aren't necessarily bad things. Handles html server which is very good.

Worth making a lil project in to feel out the non-API aspects

MSGhero commented 1 month ago

Flixel: Too managed, sprite focus is good, support very good. Custom requires breaking/undoing/duplicating existing systems. HL build chain same as OpenFL's

MSGhero commented 1 month ago

OpenFL/Lime: Less managed version of Flixel. Would still be duplicating existing systems. Support unknown atm. HL build chain seems fragile

MSGhero commented 1 month ago

Godot: No? Just on principle tbh

MSGhero commented 1 month ago

Any Kha lib: The Khacosystem is pretty excessive for the goals of mono2d, and would most likely result in a custom framework over it

MSGhero commented 1 month ago


  1. Bruh idk how to do low level stuff