What changes are proposed in this pull request?
Add a function to subset a binary matrix by alteration or gene frequency
If there is an GitHub issue associated with this pull request, please provide link.
Reviewer Checklist (if item does not apply, mark is as complete)
[x] PR branch has pulled the most recent updates from main branch. Ensure the pull request branch and your local version match and both have the latest updates from the main branch.
[x] If a new function was added, function included in _pkgdown.yml
[x] If a bug was fixed, a unit test was added for the bug check
[x] Run pkgdown::build_site(). Check the R console for errors, and review the rendered website.
[x] Code coverage is suitable for any new functions/features. Review coverage with withr::with_envvar(new = c("NOT_CRAN" = "true"), covr::report()). Begin in a fresh R session without any packages loaded.
[x] R CMD Check runs without errors, warnings, and notes
[x] usethis::use_spell_check() runs with no spelling errors in documentation
When the branch is ready to be merged into master:
[x] Update NEWS.md with the changes from this pull request under the heading "# cbioportalR (development version)". If there is an issue associated with the pull request, reference it in parentheses at the end update (see NEWS.md for examples).
What changes are proposed in this pull request? Add a function to subset a binary matrix by alteration or gene frequency
If there is an GitHub issue associated with this pull request, please provide link.
Reviewer Checklist (if item does not apply, mark is as complete)
. Check the R console for errors, and review the rendered website.withr::with_envvar(new = c("NOT_CRAN" = "true"), covr::report())
. Begin in a fresh R session without any packages loaded.usethis::use_spell_check()
runs with no spelling errors in documentationWhen the branch is ready to be merged into master:
with the changes from this pull request under the heading "# cbioportalR (development version)
". If there is an issue associated with the pull request, reference it in parentheses at the end update (seeNEWS.md
for examples).codemetar::write_codemeta()