MSKCC-Epi-Bio / gnomeR

Package to wrangle and visualize genomic data in R
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Copy Number Alteration Vignette #297

Open alrein-05 opened 1 year ago

alrein-05 commented 1 year ago

Added example heatmap under CNA_vignette

What changes are proposed in this pull request? Added an example heatmap for copy number segmentation data

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Reviewer Checklist (if item does not apply, mark is as complete)

When the branch is ready to be merged into master:

karissawhiting commented 1 year ago

Comments from old PR:

@alrein-05 This looks really good! Thanks very much for adding :)

I think next steps include:

  • Adding an Introduction section explaining when/ why someone would want to analyze copy number data and stating the aim of the vignette (do you have a reference paper we can add with an example of a good CNA analysis? Doesn't have to be MSK). This could be combined with your current 'What are copy number alterations' section.
  • Expanding outline into more descriptive sections in the style of the other vignette:
  • Adding some code and an example working through seg data for users to follow along in the vignette. For now we can use the example seg file in the package: gnomeR::seg
  • Are there any additional types of analysis you do on this data after you create heatmaps? Hannah and I can share the workflow outline Caroline gave us and we can add from there as well.

Do you have time/interest to continue with these updates? We'd love your continued input but if not, no worries. @hfuchs5 and I can take over.

Thanks again for your great work!