MSO4SC / cloudify-hpc-plugin

Plugin to allow Cloudify to deploy and orchestrate HPC resources
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New flag '--res' for SBATCH based job types #6

Closed victorsndvg closed 6 years ago

victorsndvg commented 6 years ago

Hi @emepetres ,

due to the recent resources reservations, now we have a new flag for SBATCH job types (and all those job types relying on SBATCH). I think we should enable the Orchestrator to use this flag.

This flag is --res.

Here I partially paste the email talking about this flag:

Dear all,

we have reserved 2 nodes (48 cores) of "thinnodes" partition at FT2 for MSO4SC project until the end of the review (2018-01-26). Please, note that if your job exceed those resources (2 nodes, 48 cores), you must not use this reservation.

To use the reserved resources, you have to assign "MSO4SC" to the reservation flag ( "--res=MSO4SC" ) for the Slurm command.

E.g: $ sbatch --res=MSO4SC ... $ squeue --res=MSO4SC ... $ scontrol show res=MSO4SC ...

emepetres commented 6 years ago

In Slurm docs there is no metion of --res=<name> option. Instead talks about --reservation=<name>. What property should I implement in the orchestrator?

victorsndvg commented 6 years ago

Hi @emepetres ,

yes you are right official documentation talks about --reservation.

I asked about it and my colleagues answer me that both are equivalent. You can choose whatever you want, but as you said --reservation appears in docs and maybe it's better to use this option for ensuring forward compatibility. Do you agree?