MSOLSS / MagSeminars

Seminar Website
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Proposal: archive presentation slides in Zenodo #1

Open namurphy opened 4 years ago

namurphy commented 4 years ago

My sincere thanks to the organizers of this seminar series! It is really valuable for the community to have the opportunity to learn about the magnetosphere at a time when in-person seminars are just about impossible.

Because of the value of the presentation slides, I'd like to suggest that they be openly archived on Zenodo. GitHub repositories and websites tend to be transitory, and are susceptible to link rot. Uploading them to Zenodo (or a similar service) would provide the presentation slides with a permanent home, and have the added bonus of making them citable by associating them with a persistent identifier. If the authors upload the presentations themselves, they would have the opportunity to post new versions of the slides themselves should they update the presentation for the future.

My suggestion would be to create a community on Zenodo, and provide presenters with the link to upload a record to the community (e.g., the Plasma Thesis Collection with upload link).

Thank you again!

kylermurphy commented 4 years ago

Hi Nick,

This is a cool idea. Let me discuss it with our previous speakers and other coordinators to see if everyone is okay with uploading talks to Zenodo.

Cheers, Kyle