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Encasing other people's summons in webs with the spider axe dismisses them #130

Open Dark4557 opened 1 year ago

Dark4557 commented 1 year ago

Tested it on John Saint's bear summon, and when I reached full web encasing, it gave me a message in my action log that I dismissed his bear, and then it vanished

greatguys1 commented 1 year ago

That's strange. Hopefully an easy fix. Thanks for the report.

Dark4557 commented 1 year ago

Seems to be a prevention thing for people blocking with the bears, since it's not just the spider axe, but just doing damage a few times towards it

greatguys1 commented 1 year ago

Weird. I can see this can cause issues, especially with how easy it is to accidentally hit friendlies. The bear should maybe try to move out of the way once hit.

CrashWolf commented 1 year ago

The bear can only be dismissed through melee attacks, which -will- cause the bear to try to move out of the way. Dismissal only really occurs when the bear gets stuck or when someone spams really fast attacks such as dual daggers.