MSRevive / MasterSwordRebirth

Continuation of Master Sword Classic/Continued.
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Odd spell and item interactions. #174

Open ArcanumHominem opened 1 year ago

ArcanumHominem commented 1 year ago

Was running Lodagond-4 with us being allied with the orc and when I tried to cast healing wave (tome) it bugged out in the boss room. Attempting to take out other weapons didn't work, left clicking to cast would go through the animation but do nothing, trying to drop it would put "The Healing Wave spell is canceled" in the action log, and looking in my hands showed a "Healing Wave" item that I couldn't manipulate in any way. Over time it eventually ended and I was able to pull out weapons/access my inventory normally. However some of the items I tried to take out during that time had disappeared, specifically 2 calruin maces and a pair of demon claws. Upon taking a hoarfrost shard out of the boss chest I noticed it went directly to my bag instead of my empty hands and I all of a sudden had both a tork bow and calruin mace model in my hands. I reconnected to see if that would solve any issues and when I selected my character I was holding a Bludgeon Hammer. After putting the hammer away, I noticed that my model was still holding the Calruin mace. Wishbone was successfully able to take both from me and give them back, but unable to do so with the demon claws. They are suspected to have turned into the bludgeon hammer which spawned in my hands upon reconnecting. Healing Wave hands Healing Wave drop

ArcanumHominem commented 1 year ago

Side note to all of this, unconfirmed, but I believe one other person also had something of theirs disappear during this. Think it was a galat chest summon scroll. Also part of this looks like similar behavior to when you're able to take arrows/bolts out of someones hands when they pick up/stack them. Game version this took place on was the stable version (Nov2022-a).

Aze-M commented 1 year ago

This is very hard to replicate, did this happen on stable or on unstable? Does unstable contain the spell sheathing and cancelling changes?

SaintWish commented 1 year ago

This was on stable branch