MSRevive / MasterSwordRebirth

Continuation of Master Sword Classic/Continued.
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Prevent accidental item drops #80

Open BerntA opened 2 years ago

BerntA commented 2 years ago

Add a confirmation prompt when trying to drop an item, or do so that you have to double tap the drop item key? (imagine that you accidentally drop an item just before a level change, etc...)

greatguys1 commented 2 years ago

Push and hold to drop I think would be good. Would need some sort on indicator to represent that though.

Tsarenir commented 2 years ago

I frequently use the drop key to cancel spells, would you be able to avoid interfering with that? (it's also resulted in many accidental item drops, and at least one loss, so confirmation of drops would be nice)

spells canceling with the sheath key instead of drop might solve it if not

SaintWish commented 1 year ago

Need to add a hint or something to let players know of this option.