What server version are you running?Please include Minecraft Version, and Bukkit/Spigot/Bungee
Paper 1.16.1
What version of NOPE are you running?You can find this out by running /nope ingame
What is the bug?Please be descriptive
I hit an NPC that was created with the Citizens plugin and I got this error in the console
Please list your plugins below
AdvancedBan, BedWars, BungeeTabListPlus, Citizens, CommandPanels, FastAsyncWorldEdit, HolographicDisplays,, LuckPerms, Multiverse-Core, NOPE, PlaceholderAPI, ProtocolLib, PunishmentGUI, SBAHypixelify, SuperVanish, My custom report plugin, Vault, My custom chat plugin, A custom voting plugin made for my server by a Developer, NuVotifier, WooMinecraft, WorldGuard and XPWars
What server version are you running? Please include Minecraft Version, and Bukkit/Spigot/Bungee Paper 1.16.1 What version of NOPE are you running? You can find this out by running /nope ingame 1.7.3
What is the bug? Please be descriptive I hit an NPC that was created with the Citizens plugin and I got this error in the console https://pastebin.com/vN7uB91S
Please list your plugins below AdvancedBan, BedWars, BungeeTabListPlus, Citizens, CommandPanels, FastAsyncWorldEdit, HolographicDisplays,, LuckPerms, Multiverse-Core, NOPE, PlaceholderAPI, ProtocolLib, PunishmentGUI, SBAHypixelify, SuperVanish, My custom report plugin, Vault, My custom chat plugin, A custom voting plugin made for my server by a Developer, NuVotifier, WooMinecraft, WorldGuard and XPWars
Is there anything else to add? Are there any error logs? https://pastebin.com/vN7uB91S