Odso was ultimately banned for Speed#2 at a VL of 2691
The actions listed for Speed (Default) are:
Global: true # If disabled, NOPE will be disabled
Scoreboard: true # The scoreboard uses the vanilla scoreboard and shouldn't mess with other plugins
Log: hastebin file # NONE, file, or hastebin
GitHub: # Fill out these fields to enable /nope false, leave Password blank to use a TAP (recommended), see https://github.com/settings/tokens for more details
Username: 'BsmcSenital'
Password: 'bsMC1234'
Permission to be notified ingame is nope.message.udpate
Enabled: true
InGame: true
BungeeNameOverride: '' # If not empty this will override the server name
This is useful for replacing %server% if the server is not bungeecord
VL Decrement is responsible for decrementing VL levels for players that haven't flagged for a while
The key is the time in milliseconds since the player last flagged for a hack. For example
if a player hasn't flagged for 20000 milliseconds, their VL will be decreased by 2 every second
Reporter: Odso Online Players: 1 Owner: CleverBasher NOPE Version: 1.8.1 Online: 1.8.1 Plugins: WorldEdit: 7.1.0;8e55131, HolographicDisplays: 2.4.4, AntiAC: 2.6, CustomChatPrefix: 1.0, SimplePortals: 1.4.7, ProtocolSupport: 1.16.2-1, Spawn: 1.0, PlaceholderAPI: 2.10.9, WorldGuard: 7.0.4-beta1;bc551da, BungeePlayerCounter: 1.5.2beta, NOPE: 1.8.1, HolographicExtension: 1.10.9 Starting new log for Odso (2de9d2a3-35be-4e67-84e5-7cc846383491) Server: Hub Server Version: git-Paper-159 (MC: 1.16.2) Bukkit: 1.16.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT NOPE Version: 1.8.1 (Online: 1.8.1)
Odso was ultimately banned for Speed#2 at a VL of 2691 The actions listed for Speed (Default) are: basiclog|rndcancel|vl>100|cancel|vl>600|lagkick|vl>800|ikick|vl>1800|addbanwave|vl>2200|cban
Temporary Data Dumb: DAMAGE_TAKEN: 1599195927484 (39) JOIN_TIME: 1599195908486 (19037) TELEPORT: 1599195924025 (3498) BLOCK_PLACE: 1599195925673 (1850) HORIZONTAL_BLOCKCHANGE: 1599195923026 (4497) SPRINTING: 1599195922627 (4896) FLIGHT_GROUNDED: 1599195923178 (4345) VERTICAL_CHANGE: 1599195918182 (9341) IN_AIR: 1599195923074 (4449) ON_GROUND: 1599195923178 (4345) MOVE: 1599195923178 (4345) FLAGGED: 1599195924020 (3503)
Odso's flags: Speed: 2691 Scaffold: 457 AutoBuild: 111 Jesus: 72
Flagged AutoBuild#1: Dist: 3.0 Odso failed AutoBuild#1 (65) Flagged AutoBuild#1: Dist: 3.0 Odso failed AutoBuild#1 (84) Flagged Scaffold#1: Blocks: 6 > 5 Odso failed Scaffold#1 (419) Odso failed Scaffold#1 (419) Flagged Scaffold#1: Blocks: 7 > 5 Odso failed Scaffold#1 (439) Odso failed Scaffold#1 (439) Flagged Scaffold#1: Blocks: 8 > 5 Odso failed Scaffold#1 (468) Odso failed Scaffold#1 (468) Flagged AutoBuild#1: Dist: 3.0 Odso failed AutoBuild#1 (101) Odso failed AutoBuild#1 (101) Flagged Speed#2: Dist: 4.791681765975647 >= .7 Odso failed Speed#2 (958) Odso failed Speed#2 (958) Flagged Speed#2: Dist: 4.767584790749382 >= .7 Odso failed Speed#2 (1038) Odso failed Speed#2 (1038) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.6705500440823509 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (1053) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.6598531678399666 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (1067) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.6444954887384531 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (1080) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.6304602508627226 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (1093) Flagged Speed#2: Dist: 4.767584790749373 >= .7 Odso failed Speed#2 (1174) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.6442179607021131 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (1187) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.641713968689039 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (1199) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.6296538027919998 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (1212) Odso failed Speed#3 (1212) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.6195755847611897 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (1224) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.6028273608206158 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (1236) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.5901824763579062 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (1247) Flagged Speed#1: Dist: 4.879498804624699 > 0.1300168 Odso failed Speed#1 (1347) Flagged Speed#2: Dist: 4.879498804624699 >= .7 Odso failed Speed#2 (1431) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.772875441015618 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (1450) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.7594653920451435 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (1468) Flagged Speed#1: Dist: 4.879498804624699 > 0.1300168 Odso failed Speed#1 (1568) Flagged Speed#2: Dist: 4.879498804624699 >= .7 Odso failed Speed#2 (1652) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.9417405768330885 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (1677) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.7490065098848617 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (1695) Odso failed Speed#3 (1695) Flagged Speed#1: Dist: 4.879498804624699 > 0.1300168 Odso failed Speed#1 (1795) Flagged Speed#2: Dist: 4.879498804624699 >= .7 Odso failed Speed#2 (1879) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.9450692218910622 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (1905) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.950334047218369 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (1931) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.945324239450009 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (1957) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.9503247241686097 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (1983) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.9411172630802336 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (2007) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.7472422639885404 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (2025) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.7422291843770636 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (2042) Odso failed Speed#3 (2042) Flagged Speed#1: Dist: 4.767584790749389 > 0.1300168 Odso failed Speed#1 (2140) Flagged Speed#2: Dist: 4.767584790749389 >= .7 Odso failed Speed#2 (2221) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.94067261659245 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (2246) Flagged Speed#1: Dist: 4.879498804624699 > 0.1300168 Odso failed Speed#1 (2346) Flagged Speed#2: Dist: 4.879498804624699 >= .7 Odso failed Speed#2 (2430) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 1.1365053974569699 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (2463) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 1.14151520522533 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (2496) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 1.1365053974569699 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (2529) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.94067261659245 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (2554) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.93566280882409 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (2579) Odso failed Speed#3 (2579) Flagged Speed#3: Avg: 0.7398300279595702 >= 0.5575286 Odso failed Speed#3 (2596) Flagged Speed#1: Dist: 4.9927111557436294 > 0.1300168 Odso failed Speed#1 (2698) Flagged AutoBuild#1: Dist: 13.0 Odso failed AutoBuild#1 (115) Odso failed AutoBuild#1 (115) Banned Odso for Speed#2 2691
NOPE Anti-Cheat Configuration
This is the configuration for NOPE. I recommend keeping
the default values unless you know what you're doing.
There is a YouTube tutorial available at
There is a GitHub wiki tutorial also
available at https://NOPE.MSWS.xyz/wiki
ConfigVersion: 1.8.1
Global Configuration
Global: true # If disabled, NOPE will be disabled Scoreboard: true # The scoreboard uses the vanilla scoreboard and shouldn't mess with other plugins
Log: hastebin file # NONE, file, or hastebin GitHub: # Fill out these fields to enable /nope false, leave Password blank to use a TAP (recommended), see https://github.com/settings/tokens for more details Username: 'BsmcSenital' Password: 'bsMC1234'
Permission to be notified ingame is nope.message.udpate
UpdateChecker: Enabled: true InGame: true BungeeNameOverride: '' # If not empty this will override the server name
This is useful for replacing %server% if the server is not bungeecord
VL Decrement is responsible for decrementing VL levels for players that haven't flagged for a while
The key is the time in milliseconds since the player last flagged for a hack. For example
if a player hasn't flagged for 20000 milliseconds, their VL will be decreased by 2 every second
VLDecrement: Enabled: true Rate: 40 # Ticks Periods: 1000: 0 10000: 1 20000: 2 60000: 5 120000: 10 -1: 20
Banwave Configuration
BanwaveRate: -1 # Rate of banwave (in ticks) -1 to disable
If enabled, developer messages will be sent to the player and commands will not execute
DevMode: false DebugMode: false
Webhook Configuration
Webhooks allow a server to send POST requests to a webhook.
If you do not know about this then I recommend
Googling or asking someone for help regarding this.
For Discord specific configuration you can look at
and https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks?page=1
for help. All arguments are supported that are defined in the first link.
Placeholders listed below in Actions are supported
Webhooks: banExample: URL: 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/750616019327909969/1PPsFgK-HD0ggO3GurY3qz0XdNjXcfpvxSHu8fgIgRjg1_C7uPzpbuF0skjP0lvBNkNn' username: 'Senital' avatar_url: 'https://i.imgur.com/JLKC7CN.jpg' embeds: author: name: "%player% Ban" avatar_url: 'https://i.imgur.com/JLKC7CN.jpg' title: '%player% was banned for %check%' color: 14483456 fields: check: name: "Check" value: "%debug%" world: name: "World" value: "%world%" vl: name: "VL" value: "%vl%" inline: false flagExample: URL: 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/751173384464892044/G0Sm9JLz4Vszgb7PQcGXkhmDWGkey1cIVjQEl9DOP4wclGm2ohb_lyOfdKV8-Re_YRLU' username: 'NOPE' avatar_url: 'https://i.imgur.com/JLKC7CN.jpg' embeds: author: name: "%player%" icon_url: 'https://crafatar.com/avatars/%uuid%' title: '%player% flagged %check%' color: 751818 fields: 1: name: "Player" value: "%player%" 2: name: "World" value: "%world%" 3: name: "Server" value: "%server%" inline: true 4: name: "VL" value: "%vl%" 5: name: "Check" value: "%debug%" 6: name: "UUID" value: "%uuid%"
Action Configuration
Please note that bans are not necesssarily instantaneous.
Please add a delay to prevent duplicate bans.
# #
animation:[TYPE]:Action | TYPEs are NOPE or GWEN, the Action should be a custom command
kick:Reason | Kick the player for the specified reason
ban:Time:Reason | Ban the player for the specified time/reason
banwave:Time:Reason | Add the player to the banwave
cancel | Teleport the player back
pmsg:[Message] | Send a message to the player
msg:[all/Permission]:[Message] | Can also specify all
cmd:[Command] | Run a command as the player
ccmd:[Command] | Run a command from console
log:type:message | Logs the message either to FILE, INGAME, or CONSOLE (perm: nope.message.normal)
log:WEBHOOK:message | Logs the message to the specified webhook
setvl:VL | Sets the player's VL for the category hack
addvl:VL | Adds/Modifies the player's VL for the category hack
Conditions: (<, <=, =, !=, >=, >)
If a condition is not fullfilled, none of the following actions will be run
The ones with > you can replace with the appropriate operator
vl>[Amo] | If the VL matches the threshold
tps>[Amo] | If the server's TPS matches the threshold
ping>[Amo] | If the player's ping matches (NOT RECOMMENDED) players can spoof their ping
delay:[Delay] | Wait X milliseconds before executing the NEXT action (eg: kick a player if the last call of this was > 60 seconds ago)
notdev | Will not run the next actions if the in dev mode
isdev | Will run the next actions if in dev mode
rnd:.40 | Will run the actions 40% of the time
%player% | The name of the player that was banned
%uuid% | The UUID of the player (-'s included)
%nuuid% | The UUID of the player (-'s not included)
%check% | What hack the player was banned for
%debug% | The debug ID of the check
%vl% | The VL of the hack that the player was at when they were banned
%world% | What world the player was in when they were banned, this may be null if they were offline
%token% | The ban token (only for ban)
%server% | The server name, useful for webhooks
PAPI is also supported
Actions: FastBreak:
You can specify multiple actiongroups for one category
- 'vl>50|delay:10000|ccmd:say %player% is suspected of using %check%'
This would only kick players and decrement their VL by 200
- 'basiclog|vl>100|cancel|vl>600|ikick|addvl:-200'
You can also specify a specific debug name and that these actions will be run instead
- 'basiclog|delay:60000|say %player% flagged a %debug% check!'
Commands are loaded and created in order. Define a custom command first before using it in another custom command.
log Logs to a file that the player failed a check, and logs in console every 5 seconds that they failed the check
flog: 'log:FILE:%player% failed %debug% (%vl%)'
the below actions log ingame an appropriate warning message to staff
alog: 'vl>100|vl<300|delay:60000|log:INGAME:&4&l[&c&lSenital&4&l] &e%player% &7failed a &a%check%&7 check. (VL: &e%vl%&7)' elog: 'vl>300|vl<500|delay:60000|log:INGAME:&4&l[&c&lSenital&4&l] &e%player% &7failed a &e%check%&7 check. (VL: &e%vl%&7)' clog: 'vl>500|vl<700|delay:60000|log:INGAME:&4&l[&c&lSenital&4&l] &e%player% &7failed a &c%check%&7 check. (VL: &e%vl%&7)' 4log: 'vl>700|delay:500|flog|delay:60000|log:INGAME:&4&l[&c&lSenital&4&l] &e%player% &7failed a &4%check%&7 check. (VL: &e%vl%&7)'
weblog Logs the action to the specified webhook (in this case flagExample)
weblog: "notdev|vl>400|delay:120000|log:flagExample:"
basiclog combines all above log commands into 1 for simple usage
basiclog: 'alog|elog|clog|flog|4log|weblog'
logban Logs ingame that the player was banned both ingame and to a file
logban: 'log:INGAME:&4&l[&c&lSenital&4&l] &c%player% &7was banned for &b%check%&7.|log:FILE:Banned %player% for %debug% %vl%|delay:5000|log:banExample:'
ikick Kicks the player once every minute (to avoid constant kicking) in case they are stuck/otherwise false flagging
ikick: 'notdev|delay:60000|kick:Irregular Gameplay'
lagkick Kicks the player if their ping is too high
lagkick: 'ping>150|delay:20000|kick:You seem to be very laggy, please try restarting your connection.'
tpskick Kicks the player if the server's TPS is too low
tpskick: 'tps<=16|delay:40000|kick:The server is extremely laggy, please try waiting a bit before relogging.' tpsdecrement: 'tps<=16|addvl:-50'
rndcancel Has an 80% chance of teleporting the player back
rndcancel: 'rnd:.80|cancel' canimate: "logban|ban:2628000000:&4Senital Anti-Cheat&r\n&7Token: &e%token%"
cban Only bans the player if dev mode is disabled, it also logs the ban
We log the ban first so we can get the VL data first
cban: "notdev|delay:5000|animation:NOPE:canimate" addbanwave: "notdev|banwave:2628000000:&4Senital Anti-Cheat&r\n&7Token: &e%token%"
Check Configuration
Here you can configure which checks are/aren't enabled
You can also toggle these ingame with /nope stats
make sure to restart your server after modifying these settings
Checks: Packet: Enabled: true SkinBlinker: Enabled: true SkinBlinker#1: Enabled: true Spinbot: Enabled: true Spinbot#1: Enabled: true NoSwing: Enabled: true NoSwing#1: Enabled: true PlayerESP: Enabled: true PlayerESP#2: Enabled: true PlayerESP#1: Enabled: true AutoSneak: Enabled: true AutoSneak#1: Enabled: true InvalidMovement: Enabled: true InvalidMovement#1: Enabled: true Timer: Enabled: true Timer#1: Enabled: true Blink: Enabled: true Blink#1: Enabled: true Movement: Enabled: true Speed: Enabled: true Speed#3: Enabled: true Speed#4: Enabled: true Speed#1: Enabled: true Speed#5: Enabled: true Speed#2: Enabled: true InventoryMove: Enabled: true InventoryMove#1: Enabled: true FastSneak: Enabled: true FastSneak#1: Enabled: true AutoWalk: Enabled: true AutoWalk#1: Enabled: true Glide: Enabled: true Glide#1: Enabled: true Flight: Enabled: true Flight#6: Enabled: true Flight#1: Enabled: true Flight#4: Enabled: true Flight#2: Enabled: true Flight#5: Enabled: true Flight#3: Enabled: true BHop: Enabled: true BHop#1: Enabled: true ElytraFlight: Enabled: true ElytraFlight#1: Enabled: true AntiRotate: Enabled: true AntiRotate#1: Enabled: true Jesus: Enabled: true Jesus#1: Enabled: true Jesus#2: Enabled: true AntiAFK: Enabled: true AntiAFK#1: Enabled: true NoSlowDown: Enabled: true NoSlowDown#1: Enabled: true NoSlowDown#2: Enabled: true NoSlowDown#5: Enabled: true NoSlowDown#3: Enabled: true NoSlowDown#4: Enabled: true Step: Enabled: true Step#1: Enabled: true Spider: Enabled: true Spider#1: Enabled: true NoWeb: Enabled: true NoWeb#1: Enabled: true ClonedMovements: Enabled: true ClonedMovement#1: Enabled: true FastClimb: Enabled: true FastClimb#1: Enabled: true Combat: Enabled: true HighCPS: Enabled: true HighCPS#1: Enabled: true HighCPS#3: Enabled: true HighCPS#2: Enabled: true AutoClicker: Enabled: true AutoClicker#1: Enabled: true AntiKB: Enabled: true AntiKB#1: Enabled: true AutoArmor: Enabled: true AutoArmor#1: Enabled: true KillAura: Enabled: true KillAura#3: Enabled: true KillAura#5: Enabled: true KillAura#2: Enabled: true KillAura#4: Enabled: true KillAura#1: Enabled: true FastBow: Enabled: true FastBow#1: Enabled: true Player: Enabled: true NoFall: Enabled: true NoFall#1: Enabled: true NoFall#2: Enabled: true AutoTool: Enabled: true AutoTool#1: Enabled: true GhostHand: Enabled: true GhostHand#1: Enabled: true SafeWalk: Enabled: true SafeWalk#1: Enabled: true AntiFire: Enabled: true AntiFire#1: Enabled: true FastEat: Enabled: true FastEat#1: Enabled: true SelfHarm: Enabled: true SelfHarm#1: Enabled: true Zoot: Enabled: true Zoot#1: Enabled: true HealthTag: Enabled: true HealthTag#1: Enabled: true World: Enabled: true Scaffold: Enabled: true Scaffold#3: Enabled: true Scaffold#1: Enabled: true Scaffold#2: Enabled: true AutoBuild: Enabled: true AutoBuild#1: Enabled: true IllegalBlockPlace: Enabled: true IllegalBlockPlace#1: Enabled: true FastBreak: Enabled: true FastBreak#1: Enabled: true IllegalBlockBreak: Enabled: true IllegalBlockBreak#1: Enabled: true