1.16 Minecraft AntiCheat
GNU General Public License v3.0
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BV49RCWWHGZMKK23: Odso #204

Closed BsmcSenital closed 4 years ago

BsmcSenital commented 4 years ago

Reporter: Odso Online Players: 3 Owner: CleverBasher NOPE Version: 1.8.1 Online: 1.8.1 Plugins: NOPE: 1.8.1, PlugMan: 2.1.7, WitherAC: 0.21.2, CustomChatPrefix: 1.0, GriefPrevention: 16.15.0-39f385e, ProtocolSupport: 1.16.3-1, WitherAntiCheatBungeecordLink: 1.0.1 Starting new log for RubyCoolKid (73ec0e24-2965-4f04-849e-50b69f869384) Server: Unknown Server Server Version: git-Paper-191 (MC: 1.16.3) Bukkit: 1.16.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT NOPE Version: 1.8.1 (Online: 1.8.1)

RubyCoolKid was ultimately banned for FastBreak#1 at a VL of 671 The actions listed for FastBreak (Default) are: basiclog|cancel|vl>100|tpsdecrement|tpskick|vl>400|lagkick|tps>15|vl>600|cban

Temporary Data Dumb: DAMAGE_TAKEN: 1600145094889 (42) JOIN_TIME: 1600144996575 (98356) TELEPORT: 1600145089428 (5503) HORIZONTAL_BLOCKCHANGE: 1600145083693 (11238) SPRINTING: 1600145002128 (92803) FLIGHT_GROUNDED: 1600145094922 (9) VERTICAL_CHANGE: 1600145083458 (11473) IN_AIR: 1600145094922 (9) IN_LIQUID: 1600145048977 (45954) ON_GROUND: 1600145093536 (1395) MOVE: 1600145094922 (9) FLAGGED: 1600145089426 (5505) CLIMBING: 1600145077351 (17580)

RubyCoolKid's flags: FastBreak: 671

Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -199.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (44) Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -159.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (84) Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -161.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (121) Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -185.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (154) Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -167.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (192) Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -149.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (231) Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -137.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (267) Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -201.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (272) Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -140.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (311) Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -154.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (348) Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -170.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (388) Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -160.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (426) Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -150.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (466) Bs_zombie ran command: /tp RubyCoolKid time:1600145070441 Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -151.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (480) Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -151.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (519) Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -151.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (558) Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -165.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (598) Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -176.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (639) Flagged FastBreak#1: Type: VINE Time diff: -151.00 Hardness: 0.2 Harevestable: true RubyCoolKid failed FastBreak#1 (677) Banned RubyCoolKid for FastBreak#1 671


NOPE Anti-Cheat Configuration

This is the configuration for NOPE. I recommend keeping

the default values unless you know what you're doing.

There is a YouTube tutorial available at

There is a GitHub wiki tutorial also

available at


ConfigVersion: 1.8.1


Global Configuration


Global: true # If disabled, NOPE will be disabled Scoreboard: true # The scoreboard uses the vanilla scoreboard and shouldn't mess with other plugins

Log: hastebin file # NONE, file, or hastebin GitHub: # Fill out these fields to enable /nope false, leave Password blank to use a TAP (recommended), see for more details Username: 'BsmcSenital' Password: 'bsMC1234'

Permission to be notified ingame is nope.message.udpate

UpdateChecker: Enabled: true InGame: true BungeeNameOverride: '' # If not empty this will override the server name

This is useful for replacing %server% if the server is not bungeecord

VL Decrement is responsible for decrementing VL levels for players that haven't flagged for a while

The key is the time in milliseconds since the player last flagged for a hack. For example

if a player hasn't flagged for 20000 milliseconds, their VL will be decreased by 2 every second

VLDecrement: Enabled: true Rate: 40 # Ticks Periods: 1000: 0 10000: 1 20000: 2 60000: 5 120000: 10 -1: 20


Banwave Configuration


BanwaveRate: -1 # Rate of banwave (in ticks) -1 to disable

If enabled, developer messages will be sent to the player and commands will not execute

DevMode: false DebugMode: false


Webhook Configuration

Webhooks allow a server to send POST requests to a webhook.

If you do not know about this then I recommend

Googling or asking someone for help regarding this.

For Discord specific configuration you can look at


for help. All arguments are supported that are defined in the first link.

Placeholders listed below in Actions are supported


Webhooks: banExample: URL: '' username: 'Senital' avatar_url: '' embeds: author: name: "%player% Ban" avatar_url: '' title: '%player% was banned for %check%' color: 14483456 fields: check: name: "Check" value: "%debug%" world: name: "World" value: "%world%" vl: name: "VL" value: "%vl%" inline: false flagExample: URL: '' username: 'NOPE' avatar_url: '' embeds: author: name: "%player%" icon_url: '' title: '%player% flagged %check%' color: 751818 fields: 1: name: "Player" value: "%player%" 2: name: "World" value: "%world%" 3: name: "Server" value: "%server%" inline: true 4: name: "VL" value: "%vl%" 5: name: "Check" value: "%debug%" 6: name: "UUID" value: "%uuid%"


 #  url: ''
 #  url: ''
    text: "MSWS.XYZ"
   #icon_url: ''


Action Configuration

Please note that bans are not necesssarily instantaneous.

Please add a delay to prevent duplicate bans.

# #

animation:[TYPE]:Action | TYPEs are NOPE or GWEN, the Action should be a custom command

kick:Reason | Kick the player for the specified reason

ban:Time:Reason | Ban the player for the specified time/reason

banwave:Time:Reason | Add the player to the banwave

cancel | Teleport the player back

pmsg:[Message] | Send a message to the player

msg:[all/Permission]:[Message] | Can also specify all

cmd:[Command] | Run a command as the player

ccmd:[Command] | Run a command from console

log:type:message | Logs the message either to FILE, INGAME, or CONSOLE (perm: nope.message.normal)

log:WEBHOOK:message | Logs the message to the specified webhook

setvl:VL | Sets the player's VL for the category hack

addvl:VL | Adds/Modifies the player's VL for the category hack


Conditions: (<, <=, =, !=, >=, >)

If a condition is not fullfilled, none of the following actions will be run

The ones with > you can replace with the appropriate operator


vl>[Amo] | If the VL matches the threshold

tps>[Amo] | If the server's TPS matches the threshold

ping>[Amo] | If the player's ping matches (NOT RECOMMENDED) players can spoof their ping

delay:[Delay] | Wait X milliseconds before executing the NEXT action (eg: kick a player if the last call of this was > 60 seconds ago)

notdev | Will not run the next actions if the in dev mode

isdev | Will run the next actions if in dev mode

rnd:.40 | Will run the actions 40% of the time


%player% | The name of the player that was banned

%uuid% | The UUID of the player (-'s included)

%nuuid% | The UUID of the player (-'s not included)

%check% | What hack the player was banned for

%debug% | The debug ID of the check

%vl% | The VL of the hack that the player was at when they were banned

%world% | What world the player was in when they were banned, this may be null if they were offline

%token% | The ban token (only for ban)

%server% | The server name, useful for webhooks


PAPI is also supported


Actions: FastBreak:

Commands are loaded and created in order. Define a custom command first before using it in another custom command.


log Logs to a file that the player failed a check, and logs in console every 5 seconds that they failed the check

flog: 'log:FILE:%player% failed %debug% (%vl%)'

the below actions log ingame an appropriate warning message to staff

alog: 'vl>100|vl<300|delay:60000|log:INGAME:&4&l[&c&lSenital&4&l] &e%player% &7failed a &a%check%&7 check. (VL: &e%vl%&7)' elog: 'vl>300|vl<500|delay:60000|log:INGAME:&4&l[&c&lSenital&4&l] &e%player% &7failed a &e%check%&7 check. (VL: &e%vl%&7)' clog: 'vl>500|vl<700|delay:60000|log:INGAME:&4&l[&c&lSenital&4&l] &e%player% &7failed a &c%check%&7 check. (VL: &e%vl%&7)' 4log: 'vl>700|delay:500|flog|delay:60000|log:INGAME:&4&l[&c&lSenital&4&l] &e%player% &7failed a &4%check%&7 check. (VL: &e%vl%&7)'

weblog Logs the action to the specified webhook (in this case flagExample)

weblog: "notdev|vl>400|delay:120000|log:flagExample:"

basiclog combines all above log commands into 1 for simple usage

basiclog: 'alog|elog|clog|flog|4log|weblog'

logban Logs ingame that the player was banned both ingame and to a file

logban: 'log:INGAME:&4&l[&c&lSenital&4&l] &c%player% &7was banned for &b%check%&7.|log:FILE:Banned %player% for %debug% %vl%|delay:5000|log:banExample:'

ikick Kicks the player once every minute (to avoid constant kicking) in case they are stuck/otherwise false flagging

ikick: 'notdev|delay:60000|kick:Irregular Gameplay'

lagkick Kicks the player if their ping is too high

lagkick: 'ping>150|delay:20000|kick:You seem to be very laggy, please try restarting your connection.'

tpskick Kicks the player if the server's TPS is too low

tpskick: 'tps<=16|delay:40000|kick:The server is extremely laggy, please try waiting a bit before relogging.' tpsdecrement: 'tps<=16|addvl:-50'

rndcancel Has an 80% chance of teleporting the player back

rndcancel: 'rnd:.80|cancel' canimate: "logban|ban:2628000000:&4Senital Anti-Cheat&r\n&7Token: &e%token%"

cban Only bans the player if dev mode is disabled, it also logs the ban

We log the ban first so we can get the VL data first

cban: "notdev|delay:5000|animation:NOPE:canimate" addbanwave: "notdev|banwave:2628000000:&4Senital Anti-Cheat&r\n&7Token: &e%token%"


Check Configuration

Here you can configure which checks are/aren't enabled

You can also toggle these ingame with /nope stats

make sure to restart your server after modifying these settings


Checks: Packet: Enabled: true SkinBlinker: Enabled: true SkinBlinker#1: Enabled: true Spinbot: Enabled: true Spinbot#1: Enabled: true NoSwing: Enabled: true NoSwing#1: Enabled: true PlayerESP: Enabled: true PlayerESP#2: Enabled: true PlayerESP#1: Enabled: true AutoSneak: Enabled: true AutoSneak#1: Enabled: true InvalidMovement: Enabled: true InvalidMovement#1: Enabled: true Timer: Enabled: true Timer#1: Enabled: true Blink: Enabled: true Blink#1: Enabled: true Movement: Enabled: true Speed: Enabled: true Speed#3: Enabled: true Speed#4: Enabled: true Speed#1: Enabled: true Speed#5: Enabled: true Speed#2: Enabled: true InventoryMove: Enabled: true InventoryMove#1: Enabled: true FastSneak: Enabled: true FastSneak#1: Enabled: true AutoWalk: Enabled: true AutoWalk#1: Enabled: true Glide: Enabled: true Glide#1: Enabled: true Flight: Enabled: true Flight#6: Enabled: true Flight#1: Enabled: true Flight#4: Enabled: true Flight#2: Enabled: true Flight#5: Enabled: true Flight#3: Enabled: true BHop: Enabled: true BHop#1: Enabled: true ElytraFlight: Enabled: true ElytraFlight#1: Enabled: true AntiRotate: Enabled: true AntiRotate#1: Enabled: true Jesus: Enabled: true Jesus#1: Enabled: true Jesus#2: Enabled: true AntiAFK: Enabled: true AntiAFK#1: Enabled: true NoSlowDown: Enabled: true NoSlowDown#1: Enabled: true NoSlowDown#2: Enabled: true NoSlowDown#5: Enabled: true NoSlowDown#3: Enabled: true NoSlowDown#4: Enabled: true Step: Enabled: true Step#1: Enabled: true Spider: Enabled: true Spider#1: Enabled: true NoWeb: Enabled: true NoWeb#1: Enabled: true ClonedMovements: Enabled: true ClonedMovement#1: Enabled: true FastClimb: Enabled: true FastClimb#1: Enabled: true Combat: Enabled: true HighCPS: Enabled: true HighCPS#1: Enabled: true HighCPS#3: Enabled: true HighCPS#2: Enabled: true AutoClicker: Enabled: true AutoClicker#1: Enabled: true AntiKB: Enabled: true AntiKB#1: Enabled: true AutoArmor: Enabled: true AutoArmor#1: Enabled: true KillAura: Enabled: true KillAura#3: Enabled: true KillAura#5: Enabled: true KillAura#2: Enabled: true KillAura#4: Enabled: true KillAura#1: Enabled: true FastBow: Enabled: true FastBow#1: Enabled: true Player: Enabled: true NoFall: Enabled: true NoFall#1: Enabled: true NoFall#2: Enabled: true AutoTool: Enabled: true AutoTool#1: Enabled: true GhostHand: Enabled: true GhostHand#1: Enabled: true SafeWalk: Enabled: true SafeWalk#1: Enabled: true AntiFire: Enabled: true AntiFire#1: Enabled: true FastEat: Enabled: true FastEat#1: Enabled: true SelfHarm: Enabled: true SelfHarm#1: Enabled: true Zoot: Enabled: true Zoot#1: Enabled: true HealthTag: Enabled: true HealthTag#1: Enabled: true World: Enabled: true Scaffold: Enabled: true Scaffold#3: Enabled: true Scaffold#1: Enabled: true Scaffold#2: Enabled: true AutoBuild: Enabled: true AutoBuild#1: Enabled: true IllegalBlockPlace: Enabled: true IllegalBlockPlace#1: Enabled: true FastBreak: Enabled: true FastBreak#1: Enabled: true IllegalBlockBreak: Enabled: true IllegalBlockBreak#1: Enabled: true

MSWS commented 4 years ago

This should be fixed in 1.6.2.