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Understanding issue in documenation #2

Open anpieber opened 13 years ago

anpieber commented 13 years ago

I'm not sure about this line in the documentation:

ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc

Is there any way I can keep my old vimrc file? Do I have to merge them?

MSch commented 13 years ago

you have to merge them. but the supplied vimrc is rather small, so that should be easy.

The important lines are

call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()
source $HOME/.vim/filetypes
source $HOME/.vim/gui
source $HOME/.vim/bindings
source $HOME/.vim/editing
anpieber commented 13 years ago

ok got that, but in that context another thing: y is ack.vim a precondition? You've referenced it anyway ad bundle. The only pre-condition is ack-grep, isn't it?

MSch commented 13 years ago

True. I'll fix that.

MSch commented 13 years ago

Ok, I also added instructions for command-t. Do you think they are clear enough?

anpieber commented 13 years ago

1) install rvm first :) 2) TBH I'm completely lost for the moment. It would be really great if you provide some general anchors in the documentation: something like:

this is a collection of plugins to "convert" vim into a ror ide... it uses the following plugins... after installing you can do the following (among many other things which can be found in the documentation of the corresponding plugins...)

I think you did a really great job here, but without a little bit more documentation its really hard to find out where to start :)

thank you very much for helping me!

anpieber commented 13 years ago

another question about the documentation: What is rvm. Archlinux gives me this [1], but I don't think that you mean this one :)
