MShawon / YouTube-Viewer

A multithreaded view bot for YouTube
MIT License
1.42k stars 744 forks source link

Definitive Solution #597

Closed FarmAutomate closed 8 months ago

FarmAutomate commented 8 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

I'm submitting a ...


Hi mshawon, how are u?

I accidentally saw this a few days ago and decided to contribute.

After running your code quickly I saw the problem here, it's the fingerprints. Follow Image:

I used this site for take that info:

After Chrome v115 youtube implemented java script for read the source browser fingerprint, the extensions that you are using change the header fingerprint information but now youtube can read your real browser fingerprint, in another words now they can see the divergence between fingerprints, can see that you're masking that with extensions. And algorithm will assume that is a bot for trying change that info.

But good news... Your script randomize perfectly the User Agent, all you need to do is the same thing with fingerprints.

Fix: Randomize fingerprint without using extensions (because this extensions only change the header fingerprint not the source, that become useless with a little bit of java script.

When a new thread run need too Randomize the fingerprint. Don't use extensions that change fingerprint. Do it with the same method you used to randomize user agent, this will fix the deleted views issue.

I hope I helped anything write me, have a good day;


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