MStarmans91 / WORC

Workflow for Optimal Radiomics Classification
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Make regression great again #57

Closed Sikerdebaard closed 3 years ago

Sikerdebaard commented 3 years ago

Seems like regression was broken. Here's a worctut script that utilizes regression. Perhaps add this to the unit tests?

# Welcome to the tutorial of WORC: a Workflow for Optimal Radiomics
# Classification! It will provide you with basis knowledge and practical
# skills on how to run the WORC. For advanced topics and WORCflows, please see
# the other notebooks provided with this tutorial. For installation details,
# see the provided with this tutorial.

# This tutorial interacts with WORC through SimpleWORC and is especially
# suitable for first time usage.

# import neccesary packages
from WORC import SimpleWORC
import os

# These packages are only used in analysing the results
import pandas as pd
import json
import fastr
import glob

# If you don't want to use your own data, we use the following example set,
# see also the next code block in this example.
from WORC.exampledata.datadownloader import download_HeadAndNeck

# Define the folder this script is in, so we can easily find the example data
script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

def main():
    """Execute WORC Tutorial experiment."""
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Input
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # The minimal inputs to WORC are:
    #   - Images
    #   - Segmentations
    #   - Labels
    # In SimpleWORC, we assume you have a folder "datadir", in which there is a
    # folder for each patient, where in each folder there is a image.nii.gz and a mask.nii.gz:
    #           Datadir
    #               Patient_001
    #                   image.nii.gz
    #                   mask.nii.gz
    #               Patient_002
    #                   image.nii.gz
    #                   mask.nii.gz
    #               ...
    # You can skip this part if you use your own data.
    # In the example, We will use open source data from the online XNAT platform
    # at This dataset
    # consists of CT scans of patients with Head and Neck tumors. We will download
    # a subset of 20 patients in this folder. You can change this settings if you
    # like

    nsubjects = 20  # use "all" to download all patients
    data_path = os.path.join(script_path, 'Data')
    #download_HeadAndNeck(datafolder=data_path, nsubjects=nsubjects)

    # Identify our data structure: change the fields below accordingly
    # if you use your own data.
    imagedatadir = os.path.join(data_path, 'stwstrategyhn1')
    image_file_name = 'image.nii.gz'
    segmentation_file_name = 'mask.nii.gz'

    # File in which the labels (i.e. outcome you want to predict) is stated
    # Again, change this accordingly if you use your own data.
    label_file = os.path.join(data_path, 'Examplefiles', 'pinfo_HN.csv')

    # Name of the label you want to predict
    label_name = 'Age'

    # Determine whether we want to do a coarse quick experiment, or a full lengthy
    # one. Again, change this accordingly if you use your own data.
    coarse = True

    # Give your experiment a name
    experiment_name = 'Example_STWStrategyHN'

    # Instead of the default tempdir, let's but the temporary output in a subfolder
    # in the same folder as this script
    tmpdir = os.path.join(script_path, 'WORC_' + experiment_name)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # The actual experiment
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Create a Simple WORC object
    experiment = SimpleWORC(experiment_name)

    # Set the input data according to the variables we defined earlier

    # Use the standard workflow for binary classification
    experiment.regression(coarse=coarse, estimators=['SVR', 'RFR', 'ElasticNet', 'Lasso', 'SGDR'])

    # Set the temporary directory


    # Run the experiment!

if __name__ == '__main__':