The only problem I have so far is a bit strange.
In BigSur 11.1, 11.2 and 11.2.1 my battery does not charge above 90%.
Its health is at around 88-92 % (it fluctuates with the number of charging cycles every 5-10 boots)) and it doesn't charge above 90% no matter what I do.
I haven't used YogaSMC, I only use Thinkpad Assistant. I haven't applied any charging thresholds.
And the behavior persists even if I disable Optimized Battery Charging in System Preferences -> Battery .
This is a screenshot form coconut battery:
Does this happen to you to? If not, any idea on the causes?
A few days ago I bought a used T460 and hackintoshed it (my repo is here:
The only problem I have so far is a bit strange. In BigSur 11.1, 11.2 and 11.2.1 my battery does not charge above 90%. Its health is at around 88-92 % (it fluctuates with the number of charging cycles every 5-10 boots)) and it doesn't charge above 90% no matter what I do. I haven't used YogaSMC, I only use Thinkpad Assistant. I haven't applied any charging thresholds. And the behavior persists even if I disable Optimized Battery Charging in System Preferences -> Battery .
This is a screenshot form coconut battery:
Does this happen to you to? If not, any idea on the causes?