MSzturc / ThinkpadAssistant

An Assistant Application that allows you to use all your Function Keys on a T-Series Thinkpad Laptop
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[Feature Request] [Low Priority] Monitor NumLock #47

Open SamuelG13 opened 3 years ago

SamuelG13 commented 3 years ago

I am using ThinkpadAssistant and I love it but it would be amazing if you could add NumLock monitoring. On my Thinkpad I don't have a led that would indicate this. Thanks in advance!

EETagent commented 3 years ago

Some parts of this could be implemented using existing Caps Lock code

Like kIOHIDCapsLockState, there is kIOHIDNumLockState too

There is no.numLock though, only .numericPad which does something different so this would probably need more Objective-C code.

A key in the numeric keypad or an arrow key has been pressed.

If this gonna be implemented it may be a good idea to create preferences windows instead of dozens menu items.