MT-CTF / capturetheflag

Capture the Flag game using the Minetest Voxel Engine
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Idea: add the floating marker above the flag in class mode #1264

Open 209CATrus opened 6 months ago

209CATrus commented 6 months ago

Maybe you should add floating (but not compass) marker above the flag in class mode saying something "PRESS THE CLICK TO SELECT CLASS", cause the actual class switching mechanic is pretty unobvious.

farooqkz commented 3 months ago

I agree with this or a mechanism to make switching classes more verbose. I've seen several players who are new and ask how to become scout or medic or change classes.

Silvager commented 6 days ago

I like that idea, something possible to add is that the floating marker will only show up if you have never changed classes before and once you have it will disappear, so players who already know how to do it won't be annoyed by the text. Although my idea might be more work to implement than it is worth so IDK

LoneWolfHT commented 4 days ago

I think you can check for an empty class meta string for each player, and show the marker based on that