MT-CTF / capturetheflag

Capture the Flag game using the Minetest Voxel Engine
80 stars 85 forks source link

give way more score for killing a flag thief #1302

Open farooqkz opened 1 month ago

farooqkz commented 1 month ago

The suggestion originates from here:

The flag multiplier which multiplies the score is 1 for no flag, and multiplied by 2 for each flag added. Like 2 for a flag and 4 for two flags. Because it's way harder to not get killed and steal the second flag.

LoneWolfHT commented 1 month ago

You need to test locally (self-review) before requesting a review

farooqkz commented 1 month ago

Okay... I thought the change is trivial

farooqkz commented 1 month ago

Self review done