MT-CTF / maps

All the maps used on the CTF server
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add ant war map #291

Closed lazylier closed 1 year ago

lazylier commented 1 year ago

This map uses a lot of indestructible terrain to limit tunneling. It is possible to tunnel through the iron areas on the sides.

LuismiInTheZone commented 1 year ago

Very good map, it's a good thing to see what you did that players can't cross to the other bases in 10 seconds and make them go to the other part of the map to climb the stairs to the world.

I can't say much about it, just that it looks like the map swamplands but with wool, and maybe, at night, some users won't see much around the surface, so it could bother some players. I like what you did of taking out nade fight since it's a closed ground. And for errors you have a few in the .conf file, see:

LuismiInTheZone commented 1 year ago

Ok, everything is fine, I like a lot the map 👍

a-blob commented 1 year ago

Interesting map. I did find a few issues:

I like the idea of the map and the wool flowers builds, but without tunneling, I don't see anything extremely unique about this map. It is possible to tunnel through the iron ores area, but it's hard, especially since that there are blocks such as gravel and obsidian in the way, and that the player only gets a stone pickaxe. (And with tunneling, it's going to be too easy to capture).

a-blob commented 1 year ago

I do notice that your conf file says: initial_stuff = return {default:shovel_stone, default:torch 10, default:cobble 30} However I'm not getting any of that initial stuff, so something is probably wrong with the conf file. image

Edit: that may be caused by the lack of quotation marks ("") around the item string names.

lazylier commented 1 year ago

Thank you for finding those problems. I've fixed them all, except the stone pickaxe is still there because I was thinking it would slow down tunneling if players had to get a better pick from the chests first. The idea is that tunneling should be possible but not too easy. As it is, I'm questioning whether it's too easy to tunnel still.

a-blob commented 1 year ago

Thank you for finding those problems. I've fixed them all, except the stone pickaxe is still there because I was thinking it would slow down tunneling if players had to get a better pick from the chests first. The idea is that tunneling should be possible but not too easy. As it is, I'm questioning whether it's too easy to tunnel still.

It's just my opinion, and as for now I think that maybe it's a bit too hard to tunnel, which will force the majority of players to use above ground. Just a suggestion, but maybe make the grass blocks on the ground breakable so that it's easier to reach the enemy bases?

src4026 commented 1 year ago

There being only one exit and entrance may be a bit annoying in case the other team's player blocks the tunnels with a hard material. Would it be good to have more paths out and in of the bases? Also, the idea that the map is based off is amusing, indeed :+1:

lazylier commented 1 year ago

I've added some tunnels to guide players to the breakable parts of the walls. They're intentionally left dark.

a-blob commented 1 year ago

I've added some tunnels to guide players to the breakable parts of the walls. They're intentionally left dark.

From Discord: Maybe you should also add something like a maze as Kat suggested? (I was a bit disappointed at first when I first saw the PR because an "ant" map doesn't even have many ant tunnels.)

src4026 commented 1 year ago

@lazylier It would be a good to merge the commits from the main map repository to your fork so that there aren't conflicts, and that it's up-to-date :+1:. Currently checking our your map.

src4026 commented 1 year ago

I think you have done good with the tunnels. However, I feel that since it being an ant map there should be more, but I would like to know how others are feeling about it too. Also, should the chest zones be increased to accommodate more? I feel there are quite less at the moment, considering it's a four team map. Keep up the fantastic work :ok_hand:

lazylier commented 1 year ago

I think at least one more entrance to the bases is still needed though. Currently there is only one pre-built, easily defendable and blockable.

And yes, one (or even two) more entrances to the bases would be useful and necessary.

Do you mean another tunnel leading to the flag room, or another way through the unbreakable walls, or both?

MoreKat commented 1 year ago

I think at least one more entrance to the bases is still needed though. Currently there is only one pre-built, easily defendable and blockable.

And yes, one (or even two) more entrances to the bases would be useful and necessary.

Do you mean another tunnel leading to the flag room, or another way through the unbreakable walls, or both?

Another tunnel leading to the flag room that doesn't start at the ladders.

lazylier commented 1 year ago

Ok, I've tried adding some more rooms. Each team has another small chest zone with 4 chests, and 12 mushrooms. I'm not perfectly happy with the positioning of the rooms, but I haven't thought of a better alternative.

src4026 commented 1 year ago

I think the rooms are good at present. But I suppose making them more hidden can make the gameplay different since there would be the visible ones on the top of the map and then the hidden ones underground that can maybe be found by digging a particular block and/or a way of revealing it. Is the positioning of the rooms in terms of their accessibility/visibility that you are unhappy with? Also, a suggestion based on the ones mentioned previously by others in this thread, what if you combine a type of maze along with the chest rooms and connection to the outer pathway? And, another pathway is needed as mentioned by the others. Thank you for taking my feedback. I am confident that you're thinking of other ideas too for the map tunnels and ways to make it safer with respect to equal advantages for the teams in capturing/preventing a capture.

MoreKat commented 1 year ago

I find it hard to judge whether the capture difficulty is at an okay level in this map. I do think it's playable though so I suggest adding it to the game and awaiting feedback. I assume you're willing to adapt your map if the matches last too long (too hard to capture) or end too fast (too easy to capture).

src4026 commented 1 year ago

I find it hard to judge whether the capture difficulty is at an okay level in this map. I do think it's playable though so I suggest adding it to the game and awaiting feedback. I assume you're willing to adapt your map if the matches last too long (too hard to capture) or end too fast (too easy to capture).

Indeed. We all alone cannot be able to judge the mechanics of it from singleplayer.

HobbitPower commented 1 year ago

I will approve it, but @lazylier be prepared in case the flag is too hard or too easy to capture ;) Then maybe a few changes are needed.

lazylier commented 1 year ago

Thank you! I definitely will make changes if there are problems with it. Seeing how it plays should help with that.

src4026 commented 1 year ago

I feel it is a bit hard to tell which opening is for which team. Maybe some kind of indicator of which team it belongs to - like a flag structure - using which one can tell them apart?