MT-CTF / maps

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Add the Stone Maze Map. #299

Open Jo5629 opened 1 year ago

Jo5629 commented 1 year ago

This is my first map I have made, so there will probably be some errors. Feel free to call me out so I can polish my map-making skills a little bit more.

The ground is two blocks deep because I do not support tunneling 😅 (but you can tunnel under the maze walls)


LuismiInTheZone commented 1 year ago

The map is actually very cool, there are some mistakes:

For example, I can go outside the glass barriers before the match starting, specially the one from the ceiling, please check again the points. If you need some help, just ask in #maps from discord. Also another thing, I don't know if is me, but reds part look lot bigger than other teams parts, check it (or wait for other testers) to see that. Nice work, looks nice

lazylier commented 1 year ago

This looks like a fun map. I couldn't find any holes in the glass barrier. The only thing I'd suggest changing about that is making the bottom of the map indestructible dirt so players can't dig down and stand on the glass. You might not need to include "default:pick_stone" in the initial_stuff. As for the treasures, I think maybe add an extra diamond for each team, so they have enough for two swords.

Red's section of the map is slightly larger than the other teams'. Red and Orange have bigger base areas than the Blue and Green, and Blue's is smaller than Green's. I don't know if any of that matters.

Jo5629 commented 1 year ago

Yes, both of you guys are right. The center was off, causing all of the zones for the teams to be mismatched. I also tried to update the zones for the teams that way no one can go through the walls (I hope.)

I think maybe add an extra diamond for each team, so they have enough for two swords.


You might not need to include "default:pick_stone" in the initial_stuff.

This is my first map, so I do not know much about the initial_stuff other than what it says in the readme.MD

LuismiInTheZone commented 1 year ago

Also another thing, I think the screenshot doesn't show the map, just the box with ores, maybe making another screenshot, I don't know, maybe from a point from one base to the start of the maze...

Jo5629 commented 1 year ago
  • As I can see from your second clue, the intention was to make the walls breakable. This can somewhat defeat the purpose of a Maze Map, but on the other hand, I don't think it's advisable to make everything out of unbreakable blocks. Maybe some of them could be made indestructible? Or maybe make the middle of the walls destructible and use indestructible blocks for the top & bottom layers?
  • I also honestly don't know if we should enable it for nade fight, with all the high walls.
  • I would advise you to use 4 chest zones instead of one, one for each team. 50 chests for 4 teams is generally very little. I would suggest more like 20-25 per team. Either way, I advocate 4 separate chest zones.
  • Your screenshot should have a 3:2 aspect ratio and show the whole map. So something like the following (I took the liberty and removed the top layer of glass to create a better image). You can use this as a screenshot or create your own. The only important thing is the right aspect ratio, that no barrier is visible and also no coordinates/HUD bar etc. are visible and that you name it screenshot.png (etc.).

My updates:

  1. I made the top five and the bottom five blocks of the entire maze into unbreakable blocks (will change if needed).
  2. I kept it for nade fight for now, I will take it off if requested by the general public and that the openings for the maze walls are 4 blocks wide.
  3. I did 4 chest zones with 25 chests each.
  4. I used your screenshot @HobbitPower.
Jo5629 commented 1 year ago

@Jo5629 Not my final review:

The changes are looking good so far. Another thing that came to my mind: You could make the walls destructible only for certain block types (e.g. cobble and mossy cobble) and the rest indestructible. But I would wait for more feedback on how the walls should look like. I think it's good for now that they are partially indestructible.

I probably won't do that because I used //mix so the variety will be off at times.

I saw your credit regarding the screenshot, but if you want to note that, it rather belongs in "others" (more informations) or you leave it out completely ;) "You can break parts of the walls." is more of a hint instead of the acknowledgement ^^


And I would suggest to replace the orange team by team purple, because red and orange are a bit similar. As far as I know no 4-teams map has red and orange as teams.

Can I edit the map.conf file or will I have to do that ingame? Nevermind the above. I will need to change the schematic file for the purple flag.

But otherwise I find the map quite good and promising.

Thank you.

a-blob commented 1 year ago

I didn't find any issues. I like the overall idea. However, after playing on it for a bit I have a few suggestions.

Jo5629 commented 1 year ago

I added multiple types of dirt for the ground and updated the screenshot. I did not want to change and/or add any major things because I want to confuse people in the maze (probably will regret this).

Should be fine for now unless anyone requests any other changes.

HobbitPower commented 11 months ago

Ultimately, the map maker decides on the design of the map. But I have to agree with GreenBlob that the glass box with the ores doesn't really fit the look of the rest of the map. You could, for example, build a small temple over it or a dome. (That was just a quick attempt on my part with WorldEdit, I'm sure you could come up with something more creative:) image

@Jo5629 One more thing: If you edit your map, you should update your CTF game. The map editor has been changed and now you will receive the map.conf file and the map.mts. file as well as the new file after you finish editing. So save your current map as a backup, update your game and edit your map in a new world. At the end, please replace the files of your PR and add the file to it.

Jo5629 commented 11 months ago

Ultimately, the map maker decides on the design of the map. But I have to agree with GreenBlob that the glass box with the ores doesn't really fit the look of the rest of the map. You could, for example, build a small temple over it or a dome. (That was just a quick attempt on my part with WorldEdit, I'm sure you could come up with something more creative:) image

Fair enough. I will work on that.

@Jo5629 One more thing: If you edit your map, you should update your CTF game. The map editor has been changed and now you will receive the map.conf file and the map.mts. file as well as the new file after you finish editing. So save your current map as a backup, update your game and edit your map in a new world. At the end, please replace the files of your PR and add the file to it.

The only reason is that when I updated and loaded my map, it would not let me. It just gave off a zlib compress error for some reason. I will try now though and report here if anything goes wrong.

Jo5629 commented 11 months ago

Changes I Made:

  1. Changed the glass box into a pyramid (Probably need to check it for any ore imbalances and random nodes)
  2. Got the new version of CTF to work and added the file.

Should be updated to everyone's requests and my choices AFAIK

src4026 commented 11 months ago

Changed the glass box into a pyramid (Probably need to check it for any ore imbalances and random nodes)

Ore counts per team:

As it seems, Purple only has one less mese as compared to the rest.

To sum it up, the I find the map really good and well-crafted. Waiting for further updates and replies eagerly :)

Note: There are some barrier removal bugs in some maps below a certain y value. This one seems to be among the ones affected by it. In discussion with map managers, testers, and LoneWolfHT at the moment.

Jo5629 commented 11 months ago

I find that Jungle wood/Apple wood would blend in better with the surroundings as the pine wood looks a bit out of the blue in the midst of its environment currently.

Have done that.

As has been mentioned by GreenBlob perviously, you could add more decoration to the walls of the map such as vines, and so on. In addition to that, I suggest that adding wall decorations reminiscent of mayan masks and carvings can also be an option. In my imagination they could fit the style of the map quite nicely.

I am working on that.

I tested some areas (hopefully didn't miss any cases) and I see that you have made the destructible blocks as the area bettwen five blocks from the bottom and five from the top. This could be too large though IMO, and can perhaps be reduced further as it isn't much different from the entire maze being destructible, and quoting, "This can somewhat defeat the purpose of a Maze Map". Currently it's better, but I think it would be good to narrow the area.

Narrowed the unbreakable height to 3, so it can just be countered by a block in the middle.

Changed the glass box into a pyramid (Probably need to check it for any ore imbalances and random nodes)

Ore counts per team:

  • Green: 6 mese ores; 4 diamond ores; 6 Iron ores; 2 Coal ores
  • Purple: 5 mese ores; 4 diamond ores; 6 Iron ores; 2 Coal ores
  • Blue: 6 mese ores; 4 diamond ores; 6 Iron ores; 2 Coal ores
  • Red: 6 mese ores; 4 diamond ores; 6 Iron ores; 2 Coal ores

As it seems, Purple only has one less mese as compared to the rest.

Have changed the ores.

To sum it up, the I find the map really good and well-crafted. Waiting for further updates and replies eagerly :)

Note: There are some barrier removal bugs in some maps below a certain y value. This one seems to be among the ones affected by it. In discussion with map managers, testers, and LoneWolfHT at the moment.

The changes I have will try to put out by the end of week. I have a lot of things on my plate so most of the changes will probably be not ready until about middle of next week.

src4026 commented 11 months ago

No hurries 👍

HobbitPower commented 10 months ago

@a-blob Could you maybe briefly test the map when you have time and tell me if the barriers disappear completely after the building time?

a-blob commented 10 months ago

@a-blob Could you maybe briefly test the map when you have time and tell me if the barriers disappear completely after the building time?


a-blob commented 10 months ago

@HobbitPower The barriers don't disappear completely. image

HobbitPower commented 10 months ago

@HobbitPower The barriers don't disappear completely. image

@LoneWolfHT If you have time, maybe you could test this map once? It's just that at least 3 people have this problem by now. The same goes when testing the Water Academy map. Unlike most other maps, these two maps take place on the lowest level and so it's immediately noticeable. I think it has to do with the fact that for all maps the smaller y-coordinate for barrier_area in the map.conf has the value 16, where it should probably be y=0. x and z coordinates seem to be correct.

Water Academy on the server works as far as I know, so I don't know if the problem only occurs when testing locally. I also tried re-saving the maps without success.

HobbitPower commented 9 months ago

I tested some areas (hopefully didn't miss any cases) and I see that you have made the destructible blocks as the area bettwen five blocks from the bottom and five from the top. This could be too large though IMO, and can perhaps be reduced further as it isn't much different from the entire maze being destructible, and quoting, "This can somewhat defeat the purpose of a Maze Map". Currently it's better, but I think it would be good to narrow the area.

Narrowed the unbreakable height to 3, so it can just be countered by a block in the middle.

I think there is a misunderstanding here @Jo5629 If I understand @src4026 correctly, you should fill the walls with more indestructible blocks. At least that's what I would recommend. You already have a pattern in the walls, maybe it would be enough to replace certain block types (e.g. stone and moss pavement) with their indestructible variant. That way the players would have to find a way through the walls instead of just stacking up 3 blocks and simply breaking through. The lowest rows of blocks should still be completely indestructible, in my opinion. As already suggested, you can of course still add decorations such as vines or implied/broken stairs leading to nowhere, cracks in the walls, masks/statues/carvings.

src4026 commented 9 months ago

Oh right, thank you.

olliy1or commented 4 months ago

@Jo5629 when the map is finished, request for review

farooqkz commented 3 months ago

Hello. One of my wishes about having a maze map in CTF is about to become true thanks to @Jo5629!

One suggestion I have here: The maze walls must all be indestructible, then in the lua file, for each match, some of the wall blocks could be replaced with destructible blocks. Similar to what we want to do for the Tunnel map according to a suggestion. This way, it adds more fun to the game to find destructible holes. And thus more strategy.

Themostrandom commented 3 months ago

Hello, first I want to say that your map is very beautiful, I already had this idea without ever doing it :) . However, I have 2 criticisms/additions/changes to make: the chest areas are poorly designed in my opinion (some chests spawn in trees) and the second is the size of your map: it's large, so capturing is a bit complicated in my opinion, so adding an iron pickaxe would be beneficial. The nade fight seems complicated to me because of the precense of many walls, but not impossible. I really like your map and can't wait to play it. screenshot_20240614_140520

LoneWolfHT commented 3 months ago

@LoneWolfHT If you have time, maybe you could test this map once? It's just that at least 3 people have this problem by now. The same goes when testing the Water Academy map. Unlike most other maps, these two maps take place on the lowest level and so it's immediately noticeable. I think it has to do with the fact that for all maps the smaller y-coordinate for barrier_area in the map.conf has the value 16, where it should probably be y=0. x and z coordinates seem to be correct.

Water Academy on the server works as far as I know, so I don't know if the problem only occurs when testing locally. I also tried re-saving the maps without success.

Did I ever fix this issue?

HobbitPower commented 3 months ago

@LoneWolfHT If you have time, maybe you could test this map once? It's just that at least 3 people have this problem by now. The same goes when testing the Water Academy map. Unlike most other maps, these two maps take place on the lowest level and so it's immediately noticeable. I think it has to do with the fact that for all maps the smaller y-coordinate for barrier_area in the map.conf has the value 16, where it should probably be y=0. x and z coordinates seem to be correct. Water Academy on the server works as far as I know, so I don't know if the problem only occurs when testing locally. I also tried re-saving the maps without success.

Did I ever fix this issue?

@LoneWolfHT I think so. The maps in question no longer have this problem, nor do any of the newly created PRs as far as I can see.

Jo5629 commented 3 months ago

Have been preoccupied but I have been slowly working on the map and taking in suggestions and criticism from everyone.


HobbitPower commented 3 weeks ago

@Jo5629 If it's up to me, you don't need to create a map version with a lua.file. I think it's enough if the walls are partly destructible and partly indestructible, as it appears in the current version of the PR. The vines are a good approach. I think the map is still in WIP, so you will add more things or at least more vines. Looks good, keep it up. The pattern can stay the same and doesn't have to change every round. But if you want to use the init.lua feature, LandarVargan will have to take a look at it.