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Issue while running `npx ampx sandbox` to create first backend #1

Open Manoj85 opened 1 week ago

Manoj85 commented 1 week ago

% npx ampx sandbox

ampx sandbox

Starts sandbox, watch mode for Amplify backend deployments

Commands: ampx sandbox delete Deletes sandbox environment ampx sandbox secret Manage sandbox secrets

Logs streaming --stream-function-logs Whether to stream function execution logs. Default: fa lse. Use --logs-filter in addition to this flag to str eam specific function logs [boolean] --logs-filter Regex pattern to filter logs from only matched functio ns. E.g. to stream logs for a function, specify it's n ame, and to stream logs from all functions starting wi th auth specify 'auth' Default: Stream all logs[array] --logs-out-file File to append the streaming logs. The file is created if it does not exist. Default: stdout [string]

Options: --debug Print debug logs to the console [boolean] [default: false] --help Show help [boolean] --dir-to-watch Directory to watch for file changes. All subdirectories and files will be included. Defaults to the amplify directory. [string] --exclude An array of paths or glob patterns to ignore. Paths can be relative or absolute and can either be files or directories [array] --identifier An optional identifier to distinguish between different san dboxes. Default is the name of the system user executing th e process [string] --outputs-format amplify_outputs file format [string] [choices: "mjs", "json", "json-mobile", "ts", "dart"] --outputs-version Version of the configuration. Version 0 represents classic amplify-cli config file amplify-configuration and 1 represe nts newer config file amplify_outputs [string] [choices: "0", "1", "1.1"] [default: "1.1"] --outputs-out-dir A path to directory where amplify_outputs is written. If no t provided defaults to current process working directory. [string] --profile An AWS profile name. [string] --once Execute a single sandbox deployment without watching for fu ture file changes [boolean]

InvalidCredentialError: Failed to load default AWS credentials

Resolution: To configure a new Amplify profile, use npx ampx configure profile. Cause: Could not load credentials from any providers

Manoj85 commented 1 week ago

Follow the steps in the URL below: