MTACS / Lynx

Repository for tracking Lynx issues & feature requests
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Add some new options to lynx #442

Open smaracy90 opened 3 years ago

smaracy90 commented 3 years ago

Hello Ello At first let me to give you 5star for your awesome tweak lynx❤️

I believe if you add some options to this tweak,it will most full option tweak in the world So i tried to help you for your next update And i categorized them by each app

If you interested by these please contact me

I can make tour these options by image to show you And i can help you to develop best tweak ever lynx

System wide : Similar tweak •AVlock•

  1. disable app library
  2. hide all banner of today widget
  3. put AVlock(orientationlock) buttom to video player
  4. convert homebar ro media progress bar
  5. Double tap to lock the phone

    App switcher : Similar tweak •kill all apps - cctomizer•

  6. pulldown to kill all app with fade effect
  7. remove blur background change to OLED black
  8. show dock

    Control center: Similar tweak •amber - cclock - betterccxi •

  9. add clock top corner
  10. change background to OLED black
  11. add cusom LED light

    (When 3D Touch to torch add icon to On/off white or yellow or both LED)

  12. resize Volume/brightness from 1x2 to 1x3
  13. resize connectivity from 2x2 to 2x3
  14. resize music from 2x2 to 3x2
  15. can remover album cover from music
  16. add touch traker for screenrecorder

    (When 3D touch screen recorder add option to enable/disable touchscreen tracker)

    Status bar :

  17. add download\upload speed top of wifi icon
  18. add date top of clock Similar tweak •vpn status•
  19. when vpn connected change color of wifi and cellular to blue

    Keyboard :

  20. OLED black background
  21. ten number key
  22. add emojis under keyboard
  23. shift+delete = delete all or delete words
  24. haptics for every keys
  25. 3D touch dictation for functions Such as copy cut paste dismiss keyboard select all
  26. any key can trakpad Similar tweak: fancy •selection•
  27. modern selection table

    Settings :

  28. Rounded corner radios for anywhere
  29. enable 3D Touch for each option
  30. can pin every settings on top Similar tweak •goodwifi•
  31. Show Mac address and show password for wireless
  32. can change name of Bluetooth connected devices
  33. cellular on/off option
  34. custom airplane mode

    (you can active airplane mode but Bluetooth still connected)

  35. add second scheduled do not disturb

    (for noon lay down)

  36. Search field for tweaks and lynx

    Low power mode : Similar tweak •smarterLPM•

  37. custom lowe power mode

    Low/medium/high levels of low power mode

  38. enable LPM when touch on battery icon in status bar
  39. enable LPM when the phone is connected to charger
  40. enable LPM when phone is locked or screenoff
  41. enable when DND is on
  42. enable DND when screenrecording

    unlock with faceID :

  43. custom Auto Unlock after recognition

    (For example when faceID recognized me phone unlock immediately or unlock after 5 seconds)

  44. combined passcode and faceID page together (when faceid does not work u won't have to click on screen to enter passcode page
  45. blank passcode button

    Note : Similar tweak •note creation date•

  46. add create time
  47. add last modified time
  48. pin note like message app ios 14

    Photos :

  49. add option to remodel app

    For example i need only my albums And everything else add to 1 icon (more)

  50. when click edit add icon top corner "markup icon"
  51. click more for show edit with Third party app

    Camera :

  52. can disable live photo for ever
  53. no camera shutter sound
  54. add option can enable/disable for video recording with playing music

    Clock : Similar tweaks•sleepytime - easyeditalarm - deleteallalarm•

  55. click on every alarm to edit (easy edit)
  56. add option to delete all alarms
  57. add option to set couples of alarm
  58. add countdown alarm time (how much time to alarm ended)

    Weather :

  59. live weathers app

    (shows temp and weather Home screen icon)

  60. remove weather channel icon (corners icon)

    calculator : Similar tweak •MathTeacher•

  61. show more than 9 number in patriot mode
  62. add history top of the app

    Phone app: Similar tweak : T9dialer

  63. Predictive contact number
  64. Option to remove alphabet from dialer

    Message app:

  65. delivery receipt
  66. remodel top banner

    (slim banner like whatsapp)

  67. custom send delay

    Music app :

    For anyone that plays only offline local music

  68. remodel : For example add option that Remove tab bar and just shows playingnow (from Library and next up) And everything else goes to "more"icon Similar tweak •mimoort•
  69. add any music from anyware to library
MTACS commented 3 years ago

Amazing suggestions, I'll add these to the list of to-do's and add whatever is possible

smaracy90 commented 3 years ago

Tnx for replying this msg I want to add something else and i called trustet wifi Imagine when you connected to specific wifi Your iphone going to unlock automatically without passcode or faceID