MTES-MCT / qualicharge

Améliorer la qualité globale du service de recharge pour véhicules électriques en analysant les données de supervision.
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Use a consistent `nbre_pdc` atrribute #74

Open loco-philippe opened 1 month ago

loco-philippe commented 1 month ago


The nbre_pdc attribute of the Station entity counts the number of PointDeChargeentities for each Station.

In the IRVE statique Dataset, the value of this attribute is not consistent with the number of PointDeCharge (e.g. in the file 'consolidation-etalab-schema-irve-statique-v-2.3.1-20240519.csv', 33% of the nbre_pdc values are different from the number of PointDeCharge.


Use of a calculated attribute (dynamique or static) in addition to or instead of the existing nbre_pdc attribute.