feeding wavenet implementation in tensorflow simulatenous with the following things to do advanced music gestural recognition:
elastic fusion dense slam
audio data + audio advanced gestural recognition / spectral classifiers
doing training in real time
implementing the following artificial intelligence model in tensorflo:
deep convolutional recursive swarm of hybrid bid and artificial neural networks
feeding an implementing the following artificial intelligence model in tensorflow:
_deep convolutional recursive swarm of hybrid bid and artificial neural networks with the followingthings to do advanced music gestural recognition:
elastic fusion dense slam
audio data + audio advanced gestural recognition spectral classifiers
doing training in real time
idea 4
creating a c++ framework for live electronics and algorithmic composition using some of these
- use next generation state of art machine learning algorithmics implemented in tensorflow such as deep convolutional recursive swarm of hybrids bdi and ann;- using elasticfusion orbit slam2 as an input for gesture recognition by using computer vision;- using gpgpu driven fft for audio digital signal processing, and gesture recognition, and audio feature extraction;- computing audio in non real time using complex gpgpu transformations- using raya as a sound spatialization gpgpu engine
feeding wavenet implementation in tensorflow simulatenous with the following things to do advanced music gestural recognition:
implementing the following artificial intelligence model in tensorflo:
feeding an implementing the following artificial intelligence model in tensorflow:
idea 4
creating a c++ framework for live electronics and algorithmic composition using some of these
- use next generation state of art machine learning algorithmics implemented in tensorflow such as deep convolutional recursive swarm of hybrids bdi and ann; - using elasticfusion orbit slam2 as an input for gesture recognition by using computer vision; - using gpgpu driven fft for audio digital signal processing, and gesture recognition, and audio feature extraction; - computing audio in non real time using complex gpgpu transformations - using raya as a sound spatialization gpgpu engine