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Clearly state upload terms regarding music #1762

Open qubodup opened 1 month ago

qubodup commented 1 month ago

I had to return multiple music tracks from a user that has approved music because I can't confidently delete their uploads without the rules having been clear ahead of upload. This is a common problem in moderation for me at least. states

Sounds only Freesound is for sounds only. Self-created music fragments/samples/loops are also ok, but not complete songs or compositions.

The moderation UI has a rejection template ( ) button with:

Hey there. Thanks for contributing to Freesound. Unfortunately, you've uploaded some music which doesn't fit with the content we allow onto the site. We do however genrally allow music samples that are under 1 minute long, not songs.

Some recommended sites for sharing produced music/songs: Soundcloud, Bandcamp, CCMixter and The Free Music Archive

By the way, we welcome material such as loops, riffs, melodies etc. So you could try cutting up your music into short instrumental loops and uploading them that way. In fact, music and drum loops are some of the most searched and downloaded sounds on Freesound!

Thanks for understanding! never mentions the term "music" which in my opinion is the most likely word to CTRL+F for. It only uses "song" which can be interpreted as only referring to music with lyrics:

If you recorded a part of a commercial song, chances are very high that you derived (that's a fancy way of saying sampled) your work from a "copyright" or "all rights reserved" source. This is not legal, so we can't allow these sounds on freesound.

If you cut a piece from a song by Madonna, guess what, you shouldn't put it on freesound! There are limits to this of course: if you cut a piece of sound from a song and then process it until it's completely unrecognizable, that's fine!

I created a song, where can I upload it? Freesound isn't meant to upload songs, it's for sounds! We know this distinction is sometimes difficult (soundscapes come to mind), but if you made it you probably know in your heart if it's a song or a sound... For songs there are a lot of great already existing sites like:


  1. Please replace some instances of "song" with "song/music" or "song/music track" in to clarify this does not apply to music with vocals and make it more ctrl+f-searchable.
  2. Please ensure all information stated on and in the moderation templates is also available centralized at . For example by adding at the end of :
    <p>Genrally music samples that are under 1 minute long are allowed as long as there is no copyright issue. Moderation can make exceptions, for example for submissions that seem particularly useful and contain details about the sound, mood, speed that can augment other people's search of music for creating further audio works.</p>

Loops, riffs, melodies etc. are welcome. So you could cut/split your own music track stems into short instrumental loops and upload them that way. In fact, music and drum loops are some of the most searched and downloaded sounds on Freesound!

3. I would suggest changing the text on from "Self-created music fragments/samples/loops are also ok, but not complete songs or compositions." to "Self-created music fragments/samples/loops are also ok **(usually under 60 seconds in length)**, but not complete songs or compositions."
4. Update the "Music" moderation template to link to the FAQ that contains the rule.
ffont commented 1 month ago

Hi @qubodup ! Thanks for opening this issue and the other related issues that you opened. I'll look into that soon and make the changes as it makes total sense. This will probably be next week.