MTLab / onnx2caffe

pytorch to caffe by onnx
MIT License
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Eorror in caffe.Net initialiazation #1

Closed wang5566 closed 6 years ago

wang5566 commented 6 years ago

When run the project I got the prototxt but got the Check failed: status == CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS (4 vs. 0) CUDNN_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR in the line caffe.Net() initialization. I create a script to write only one line for initialization and successed. Why?

ForestWang commented 6 years ago

i got the same problem

YukiNagato commented 6 years ago

@wang5566 MobileNet will cost a large amount of gpu memory when it is running at cudnn mode on caffe. You can use caffe mode or cpu mode instead. Check this link for more detail.

wang5566 commented 6 years ago

@YukiNagato But I set cpu mode by caffe.set_mode_cpu() and got the same result. Should re-compile caffe with cpu mode ?

YukiNagato commented 6 years ago

@wang5566 Yes, but you only have to disable cudnn when re-compiling caffe.