MTgeophysics / mtpy

Python toolbox for standard Magnetotelluric (MT) data analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
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numpy import replaced with NoneType #19

Closed alkirkby closed 6 years ago

alkirkby commented 6 years ago

Somewhere in mtpy, np is set to None, so that when you want to call numpy functions, it can't find them currently trying to run the following code in spyder, it usually happens after I have run it more than once.


import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import LogLocator
from matplotlib import colors
# Import required classes from key mtpy modules 
from mtpy.imaging2.seismic import Segy, VelocityModel
from mtpy.utils.modem_slice import MODEM_slice

import os.path as op

master_workdir = r'C:\Users\u64125\OneDrive - Geoscience Australia\Reprocessing_2016'
seismic_dir = op.join(master_workdir,'seismic')
segy_fn = op.join(seismic_dir,'mig_09ga_ga1_20s.sgy')
stacking_velocity_fn = op.join(seismic_dir,'dmovel_ga1.txt')

sl = Segy(segy_fn)
vm = VelocityModel(stacking_velocity_fn, ni=20)

model_dir = op.join(master_workdir,'ModEM','GBinv34tip2')
m_fn = op.join(model_dir,'Modular_MPI_NLCG_070.rho')
d_fn = op.join(model_dir,'ModEM_Data.dat')

ms = MODEM_slice(model_fn=m_fn, data_fn=d_fn)

PLOT_NTRACE = 1500 # number of traces to be plotted
S_MAX_DEPTH = 60e3 # maximum depth
NDEPTHS = 4000 # number of depth intervals (NDEPTHS), which should be ~ the number of samples in each trace

distances = sl.getDistances() # distance of each trace from the start of the 2D line

# define 1D grids for depth and distance, based on parameters defined above
gdepth    = np.linspace(0, S_MAX_DEPTH, NDEPTHS)
gdistance = np.linspace(0, np.max(distances), PLOT_NTRACE)

# fetch a depth-migrated image (done using velocity model defined earlier)
mdepth, mdist, svals = sl.getMigratedProfile(vm, gdepth, gdistance, nn=1)

# set plot dimensions
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10.0, 5.0)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)

# retrieve x coordinates of traces fetched above
gx        = np.array([sl.getAttribute('x', d) for d in gdistance])

# retrieve y coordinates of traces fetched above
gy        = np.array([sl.getAttribute('y', d) for d in gdistance])

# since the resistivity model has log-spacing in z, it would be an 
# overkill to sample it as finely as the in the seismic profile -- so, 
# instead, we use the z values in resistivity model
gz        = ms._m.grid_z

# create a list of coordinates that define the profile
mgxyz = []
for z in gz:
    for x,y in zip(gx, gy):
        mgxyz.append([x, y, z])

mgxyz = np.array(mgxyz)

# fetch slice, smoothed using 10 nearest neighbours 
mvals = ms.get_slice(mgxyz, nn=1)

# reshape the resistivity array
mvals = np.reshape(mvals, (gz.shape[0], gx.shape[0]))

# plot resistivity ==================================================
ci = ax.pcolor(gdistance, gz, mvals, 
               vmin=np.power(10,0.5), vmax=np.power(10,7),
               alpha=0.5, linewidth=0, 

# deal with white stripes

# plot colorbar. Note that we explicitly set alpha value to 0.5, to account
# for darker colors in the plot that result from calling contourf twice.
cb_ax = fig.add_axes([0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.025])
cb = plt.colorbar(ci, cax=cb_ax, ticks = LogLocator(subs=range(10)), 

# set max depth to 60 km, because the resistivity model goes much deeper
M_MAX_DEPTH = 60e3

# Plot seismic ======================================================   
# compute the 99th percentile and zero out all values below that. This can
# be tweaked to plot the required amount of detail without cluttering the
# plot

vmm = np.percentile(svals.flatten(), 99) 
svalsClipped = np.array(svals)
ci = ax.contourf(mdist, mdepth, svalsClipped, 50, 
                 vmin=-vmm, vmax=vmm,
                 cmap='Greys', alpha=0.15, rasterized=True)


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\u64125\AppData\Local\Continuum\Miniconda2\envs\mtpy27\lib\site-packages\spyderlib\widgets\externalshell\", line 714, in runfile
    execfile(filename, namespace)
  File "C:\Users\u64125\AppData\Local\Continuum\Miniconda2\envs\mtpy27\lib\site-packages\spyderlib\widgets\externalshell\", line 74, in execfile
    exec(compile(scripttext, filename, 'exec'), glob, loc)
  File "C:/Users/u64125/OneDrive - Geoscience Australia/Reprocessing_2016/python/", line 52, in <module>
    mdepth, mdist, svals = sl.getMigratedProfile(vm, gdepth, gdistance, nn=1)
  File "C:\Git\mtpy\mtpy\imaging2\", line 146, in getMigratedProfile
    mdepths, mdistances = np.meshgrid(depths, distances)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'meshgrid'

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geojunky commented 6 years ago

This has now been fixed; d04df82

alkirkby commented 6 years ago

It just happened to me again, this time 'numpy' has been set to NoneType. Same code. Not sure what's going on here...

geojunky commented 6 years ago

Please take a look at this:

It looks like this may be what's happening and may be something specific to spyder.

geojunky commented 6 years ago

Here's a remedy perhaps:

I don't have spyder installed, so can't really test immediately..

alkirkby commented 6 years ago

Thanks, I will try this.

YingzhiGou commented 6 years ago

please note that this UMD and using reload in the python code could also be the cause of the "broken inheritance" issues, that, sometimes, an error message is displayed saying

unbound method must be called with instance

for all the plotting classes under mtpy.imaging which inherits mtpy.imaging.mtplottools.PlotSettings, mtpy.imaging.mtplottools.MTArrows and/or mtpy.imaging.mtplottools.MTEllipse.

geojunky commented 6 years ago
