Closed alkirkby closed 5 years ago
seems like the plotting object is created but the plotting code is not run.
try add the following line before plt.save_figure()
and I cannot find prObj.save_figure()
in file mtpy/imaging/
is it the module you are using?
if it is, the function "save_figure" is actually a private method _save_figure()
for some reason, may this need to be fixed.
I have tried adding prObj.plot(), the figure displays to the screen but still saves to a blank figure. Also, to clarify I am using PlotResponse in mtpy.modeling.modem not in imaging, where there is a save_figure method.
I noticed that this issue seems to only come up when running from an iPython console, when I run in spyder in a standard python console, i don't get the issue.
I'm having this problem as well. How exactly did you fix it? I've tried running a plotting script in iPython console, windows powershell and spyder but still get blank output images from prObj.save_figure.
Hi Tom, Could you please provide the code you're using and confirm that you've pulled the latest version? I just tested the following example in spyder: C:\mtpywin\mtpy\examples\scripts\ and it worked fine for me.
Hi Alison, I've just pulled the latest version and have tried running the same example script you mention but the issue persists. Running the script in git-bash and Spyder opens a plot, but the output of the save_figure line is empty.
Script I used: `# -- coding: utf-8 -- """ Created on Tue Oct 04 13:13:29 2016
@author: Alison Kirkby
Plot data and responses from ModEM model. To plot data only, comment out resp_fn line in PlotResponse """ import os
from mtpy.modeling.modem import PlotResponse
wd = r'C:\mtpywin\mtpy\examples\model_files\ModEM_2'
savepath = r'C:\mtpywin'
filestem = 'Modular_MPI_NLCG_004' datafn = 'ModEM_Data.dat'
plot_z = False respfn = filestem+'.dat' station = 'Synth02'
ro = PlotResponse(data_fn=os.path.join(wd,datafn), resp_fn=os.path.join(wd,respfn), plot_type=[station], plot_style=2, # 1 for 4-colums; 2 for 2-columns plot_z=False, fig_size=[3,2], font_size=4 )
ro.save_figure(os.path.join(savepath,'response.png'), fig_dpi=400) # change fig_dpi to your desired resolution
Hi Tom, In your script below the ro.plot() line is after ro.save_figure but in the example (mtpy\examples\scripts\, ro.plot is first. When I put ro.save_figure before ro.plot i get the same issue as you describe. Can you reverse these two lines and try again?
Hi Alison, this did the job. Cheers!
No worries - glad it worked, I'll close the issue.
plots saving to a blank figure
Expected Behavior
Would like to save the plot that comes to screen
Current Behavior
plot is coming up fine but saves to a blank figure
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