MTrab / landroid_cloud

Landroid Cloud component for Home Assistant
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Authentication failure #538

Open Rom1-B opened 3 months ago

Rom1-B commented 3 months ago

Describe the issue

I can't authenticate on Landroid_cloud. According to the logs my mail/password would be wrong, but they work on the Landroid app. So I don't think that's it.

I've tried several times to disconnect my mower from the app and reconnect it, as described in the README, but I'm still stuck.

What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?


What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core?


What version of the Landroid Cloud integration do you have installed


What type of installation are you running?

Home Assistant OS

Which make and model is the mower used for this integration?

Landroid WR153E - Firmware 3.32b1 - WORX

Diagnostics information (NOT log entries!)


Relevant log entries

2024-03-24 17:09:52.410 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.landroid_cloud.config_flow] (Config) data: {'email': '***@***', 'password': '*****', 'type': 'Worx'}
2024-03-24 17:09:52.411 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyworxcloud] Initializing connector...
2024-03-24 17:09:52.411 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyworxcloud] Try getting correct CloudType from WORX
2024-03-24 17:09:52.412 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyworxcloud] Found cloud type <class 'pyworxcloud.clouds.CloudType.WORX'>
2024-03-24 17:09:52.412 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyworxcloud] Initializing the API connector ...
2024-03-24 17:09:52.412 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyworxcloud] Getting logger ...
2024-03-24 17:09:52.413 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyworxcloud] Initializing EventHandler ...
2024-03-24 17:09:52.414 DEBUG (SyncWorker_13) [pyworxcloud] Authenticating ***@***
2024-03-24 17:09:52.563 DEBUG (SyncWorker_13) [pyworxcloud] Authentication for ***@*** failed!
2024-03-24 17:09:53.716 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202403070] Uncaught error from Firefox 124.0 on Windows 10
Error: Permission denied to access property "localName"
element (src/blocking-elements.ts:372:56)
sibling (src/blocking-elements.ts:355:34)

Additional information

No response

MTrab commented 3 months ago

Perhaps you have some strange character in your password. Else I cannot say other than what the logs say

Rom1-B commented 3 months ago

It's a 20-character password with uppercase, lowercase and numbers, but no special characters. I should also point out that the same identifiers were working at the end of last year (before winterizing the lawnmower). It's since I woke it up (2-3 weeks ago) that I've had the problem.

Is there anything I can do to get more details?

MTrab commented 3 months ago

Unfortunately not. The API only responds with authenticated or not authenticated.

icesunny86 commented 3 months ago

I've got the same issue with my Worx Landroid Plus WR165E. It works last week without any problems. I've got also just a password with uppercase, lowercase and numbers.

MTrab commented 3 months ago

I have literally NO idea why you guys can't login.

Can you log in to this site? It should use the same API endpoints

Rom1-B commented 3 months ago

Can you log in to this site?

Yes, I can connect without any problem

MTrab commented 3 months ago

Very strange then. Got absolutely no clue then.

MTrab commented 3 months ago

Perhaps one of you could send your credentials to landroid_cloud (at) - then I'll do some tests

Rom1-B commented 3 months ago

Yes, I've just sent it to you

MTrab commented 3 months ago

Yes, I've just sent it to you

No issues here on the latest version of the integration

Rom1-B commented 3 months ago

What do you mean? Were you able to log into HA with my account? I just tried again, it still fails. Could it be an entity conflict, since I deleted the old one, maybe there are still traces somewhere?

MTrab commented 3 months ago

I mean exactly what I wrote - I added the integration with your credentials (copy-paste) and it worked just fine. So as of now I'd rule the issue to be some kind of error at your side - sorry

Rom1-B commented 3 months ago

I also copy and paste, but I don't have the same success (it's not fair, I feel unloved 😢) And in the logs my mail and password are displayed in clear, so I'm sure they're the right values. Can it be a country restriction? Or can I force it, by setting the parameters directly in my config, without going through the GUI? How can I do this?

MTrab commented 3 months ago

Try removing and redownload the integration. I cannot say why it won't work for you. In a clean installation (dev environment) I works just fine

Rom1-B commented 3 months ago

It's done (several times), but authentication fails every time.

I think it's the registration of my config that's failing. Do I have to go through the GUI or can I save my config directly in configuration.yaml? What's the syntax?

I'd like to avoid redoing all my HA config.

MTrab commented 3 months ago

Only GUI config is available

icesunny86 commented 3 months ago

Is it working for you again now? It's still not working for me. I also restored an old backup as a test when it was still working. Unfortunately also without success. As already written in advance. A few weeks ago it still worked without any problems. Now suddenly from one day to the next only the error message. Unfortunately, reinstalling the integration did not help either. However, login works on all other platforms without any problems. I haven't changed anything in Home Assistant recently either...

MTrab commented 3 months ago

Does any of you guys have the opportunity to try installing on a clean Home Assistant instance? Just to try that, as that is working fine here. Perhaps some of your other integrations are conflicting, but as I cannot recreate it's pretty hard for me to fix.

Perhaps even if you could all attach (NOT copy paste) the diagnostics to compare with my own working installation

Rom1-B commented 3 months ago

No, it still doesn't work. I've made a number of tests (removing other integrations, using older versions) but it's still the same error in the logs.

Blonski83 commented 3 months ago

Hello, I also have the same problem. I then installed a second home assistant in my home (just for testing purposes) and installed the Landroid integration on it and it works again. But I really don't feel like starting everything all over again on the new ha :-( I apologize for my bad English as I have it translated via Google

MTrab commented 3 months ago

Guess something is conflicting, but I have no idea what

MTrab commented 2 months ago

Perhaps if you guys could start listing your integrations (yeah, I know it's a tedeious task), we could find the culprit. I have no idea what else to do as I cannot replicate this issue, sorry

Blonski83 commented 2 months ago

First of all, thank you for taking the trouble to find out which integration causes conflicts. Here is a list of my integrations:

Do you also want to know whether they were installed via HACS? I'll just write that in brackets after it.

Rom1-B commented 2 months ago

Here are mine, I can write the list if it's more convenient?


MTrab commented 2 months ago

The only one I see, that could do something, and that I don't use myself, is Tuya (I use LocalTuya). Other than that, that idea looks like a dead end too

Blonski83 commented 2 months ago

Would it also be enough if you just deactivated the integration and then tried Landroid Cloud? or is it best to delete it completely?

MTrab commented 2 months ago

Not sure which would be the best - also not even sure it is the conflicting integration :(

Blonski83 commented 2 months ago

I'll switch to localTuya this evening and see if it works. I will report

Blonski83 commented 2 months ago

I just deleted the Tuya integration and restarted HomeAssistant. After that I didn't reinstall tuya but tried landroid cloud first and unfortunately it didn't work 😩

danielk117 commented 2 months ago

Same problem here. The integration just stops working yesterday. Now I've got an authentification error everytime, no matter what I do.

MTrab commented 2 months ago

Really sorry to see y'all having this issue. But I have no idea what causes this, as it seems like a fresh Home Assistant without other integrations, doesn't have this issue.

danielk117 commented 2 months ago

You're right, it's a weird behaviour. I've did some debugging with your example code:

from pyworxcloud import WorxCloud
from pprint import pprint

cloud = WorxCloud("my email", "my password", "worx")

auth = cloud.authenticate()


On my local machine (same network) its running successful.

My HA instance is running as docker, so I tried the same python script inside the container and got an auth error:

docker exec -it homeassistant-homeassistant-1 python
2024-04-15 11:00:59,074 [] [__init__] [DEBUG] [162] Initializing EventHandler ...
2024-04-15 11:00:59,074 [] [authenticate] [DEBUG] [191] Authenticating *my email*
2024-04-15 11:00:59,232 [] [authenticate] [DEBUG] [197] Authentication for *my email* failed!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/", line 7, in <module>
    auth = cloud.authenticate()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pyworxcloud/", line 198, in authenticate
    raise AuthorizationError("Unauthorized")
pyworxcloud.exceptions.AuthorizationError: Unauthorized

In a fresh HA container (and installed some custom_components from my main instance), It's successful too:

docker exec -it homeassistant2-homeassistant-1 python
2024-04-15 11:53:28,121 [] [__init__] [DEBUG] [162] Initializing EventHandler ...
2024-04-15 11:53:28,121 [] [authenticate] [DEBUG] [191] Authenticating *my email*
2024-04-15 11:53:28,729 [] [authenticate] [DEBUG] [201] Authentication for *my email* successful
2024-04-15 11:53:28,729 [] [connect] [DEBUG] [260] Fetching basic API data

Any idea for further debugging?

MTrab commented 2 months ago

It makes absolutely NO sense - the authentication is a basic HTTPS request to an authentication endpoint. Should work no matter what.

I have no ide on what the next step could be.

I'd wish I could reproduce the error, then at least I'd have a chance for resolving this :(

MTrab commented 2 months ago

Any idea for further debugging?

Could you try running this command in the docker container pip show requests - both on the working and the non working containers, please.

danielk117 commented 2 months ago
# the broken instance
docker exec -it homeassistant-homeassistant-1 pip show requests
Name: requests
Version: 2.31.0
Summary: Python HTTP for Humans.
Author: Kenneth Reitz
License: Apache 2.0
Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages
Requires: certifi, charset-normalizer, idna, urllib3
Required-by: acme, agent-py, alpha-vantage, amcrest, apprise, aranet4, azure-core, baidu-aip, blinkpy, boschshcpy, brottsplatskartan, bthomehub5-devicelist, buienradar, caldav, casttube, ciscomobilityexpress, clx-sdk-xms, coinbase, concord232, datadog, datapoint, devolo-home-control-api, discogs-client, DoorBirdPy, dremel3dpy, dwdwfsapi, dweepy, eagle100, epion, fastdotcom, fints, firebase-messaging, fixerio, flipr-api, fortiosapi, freesms, fritzconnection, gassist-text, georss-client, gitterpy, google-api-core, googlemaps, greenwavereality, growattServer, gTTS, habitipy, hkavr, homeassistant, homeconnect, homematicip, httmock, huawei-lte-api, ibmiotf, ihcsdk, influxdb, intellifire4py, jaraco.abode,, jellyfin-apiclient-python, justnimbus, kiwiki-client, krakenex, lakeside, libsoundtouch, linode-api, locationsharinglib, lupupy,, messagebird, meteoalertapi, meteofrance-api, mficlient, micloud, mullvad-api, neurio, nextcloudmonitor, noaa-coops, notifications-android-tv, notify-events, nsw-fuel-api-client, nuheat, oemthermostat, ondilo, openerz-api, openevsewifi, openwrt-luci-rpc, openwrt-ubus-rpc, oru, pizzapi, PlexAPI, prawcore, prayer_times_calculator, proliphix, pubnub,, pushover-complete, py-canary, py-melissa-climate, py-sucks, pyatmo, pyAtome, pyatv, pyaussiebb, pybbox, pybotvac, pycarwings2, pychannels, pycketcasts, pycognito, pydexcom, pydrawise, pyedimax, pyephember, pyezviz, pyfibaro, pyfireservicerota, PyFlume, pyfritzhome, pyfttt, pyhiveapi, pyicloud, pyirishrail, pyiss, pyisy, pylgnetcast, pymailgunner, pymitv, pymsteams, PyMVGLive, pynetgear, pynuki, pynx584, pyobihai, pyombi, pyopnsense, pyowm, PyPasser, pyqvrpro, pyqwikswitch, pyrail, pyrainbird, Pyrebase4, pyschlage, pysesame2, pysignalclirestapi, pysmappee, pysmi-lextudio, pysuez, PySwitchbot, pythinkingcleaner, python-blockchain-api, python-digitalocean, python-ecobee-api, python-etherscan-api, python-gitlab, python-join-api, python-mystrom, python-picnic-api, python-qbittorrent, python-ripple-api, python-tado, pythonegardia, pyvera, pyvesync, pyvizio, pywebpush, pywemo, pywilight, pyworxcloud, qnapstats, quantum-gateway, RachioPy, raincloudy, renson-endura-delta, requests-file, requests-futures, requests-oauthlib, requests-toolbelt, ring-doorbell, ritassist, rjpl, rocketchat-API, roonapi, russound, rxv, samsungtvws, sense-energy, sharkiq, shodan, simplehound, simplepush, soco, solaredge, spiderpy, spotipy, srpenergy, starlingbank, stookalert, stookwijzer, streamlabswater, sunwatcher, sunweg, surepy, synology-srm, Tami4EdgeAPI, tank-utility, tapsaff, tellduslive, tellsticknet, thingspeak, tmb, todoist-api-python, transmission-rpc, TravisPy, tuya-device-sharing-sdk, twilio, TwitterAPI, unifiled, upcloud-api, update-checker, uplink, venstarcolortouch, vilfo-api-client, vsure, vtjp, vultr, wallbox, warrant-lite, waterfurnace, wirelesstagpy, xs1-api-client, yalesmartalarmclient, yalexs, yt-dlp, zeep, zeversolar, ziggo-mediabox-xl, zm-py, zwave-me-ws

# the fresh instance
docker exec -it homeassistant2-homeassistant-1 pip show requests
Name: requests
Version: 2.31.0
Summary: Python HTTP for Humans.
Author: Kenneth Reitz
License: Apache 2.0
Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages
Requires: certifi, charset-normalizer, idna, urllib3
Required-by: acme, agent-py, alpha-vantage, amcrest, apprise, aranet4, azure-core, baidu-aip, blinkpy, boschshcpy, brottsplatskartan, bthomehub5-devicelist, buienradar, caldav, casttube, ciscomobilityexpress, clx-sdk-xms, coinbase, concord232, datadog, datapoint, devolo-home-control-api, discogs-client, DoorBirdPy, dremel3dpy, dwdwfsapi, dweepy, eagle100, epion, fastdotcom, fints, firebase-messaging, fixerio, flipr-api, fortiosapi, freesms, fritzconnection, gassist-text, georss-client, gitterpy, google-api-core, googlemaps, greenwavereality, growattServer, gTTS, habitipy, hkavr, homeassistant, homeconnect, homematicip, httmock, huawei-lte-api, ibmiotf, ihcsdk, influxdb, intellifire4py, jaraco.abode,, jellyfin-apiclient-python, justnimbus, kiwiki-client, krakenex, lakeside, libsoundtouch, linode-api, locationsharinglib, lupupy,, messagebird, meteoalertapi, meteofrance-api, mficlient, micloud, mullvad-api, neurio, nextcloudmonitor, noaa-coops, notifications-android-tv, notify-events, nsw-fuel-api-client, nuheat, oemthermostat, ondilo, openerz-api, openevsewifi, openwrt-luci-rpc, openwrt-ubus-rpc, oru, pizzapi, PlexAPI, prawcore, prayer_times_calculator, proliphix, pubnub,, pushover-complete, py-canary, py-melissa-climate, py-sucks, pyatmo, pyAtome, pyatv, pyaussiebb, pybbox, pybotvac, pycarwings2, pychannels, pycketcasts, pycognito, pydexcom, pydrawise, pyedimax, pyephember, pyezviz, pyfibaro, pyfireservicerota, PyFlume, pyfritzhome, pyfttt, pyhiveapi, pyicloud, pyirishrail, pyiss, pyisy, pylgnetcast, pymailgunner, pymitv, pymsteams, PyMVGLive, pynetgear, pynuki, pynx584, pyobihai, pyombi, pyopnsense, pyowm, PyPasser, pyqvrpro, pyqwikswitch, pyrail, pyrainbird, Pyrebase4, pyschlage, pysesame2, pysignalclirestapi, pysmappee, pysmi-lextudio, pysuez, PySwitchbot, pythinkingcleaner, python-blockchain-api, python-digitalocean, python-ecobee-api, python-etherscan-api, python-gitlab, python-join-api, python-mystrom, python-picnic-api, python-qbittorrent, python-ripple-api, python-tado, pythonegardia, pyvera, pyvesync, pyvizio, pywebpush, pywemo, pywilight, pyworxcloud, qnapstats, quantum-gateway, RachioPy, raincloudy, renson-endura-delta, requests-file, requests-futures, requests-oauthlib, requests-toolbelt, ring-doorbell, ritassist, rjpl, rocketchat-API, roonapi, russound, rxv, samsungtvws, sense-energy, sharkiq, shodan, simplehound, simplepush, soco, solaredge, spiderpy, spotipy, srpenergy, starlingbank, stookalert, stookwijzer, streamlabswater, sunwatcher, sunweg, surepy, synology-srm, Tami4EdgeAPI, tank-utility, tapsaff, tellduslive, tellsticknet, thingspeak, tmb, todoist-api-python, transmission-rpc, TravisPy, tuya-device-sharing-sdk, twilio, TwitterAPI, unifiled, upcloud-api, update-checker, uplink, venstarcolortouch, vilfo-api-client, vsure, vtjp, vultr, wallbox, warrant-lite, waterfurnace, wirelesstagpy, xs1-api-client, yalesmartalarmclient, yalexs, yt-dlp, zeep, zeversolar, ziggo-mediabox-xl, zm-py, zwave-me-ws

Seems to be the same...

MTrab commented 2 months ago

Damn - dead end too then

MTrab commented 2 months ago

What about pip show urllib3 and pip show paho-mqtt Then we have the 3 requirements covered, version-wise.

I'm completely out of ideas here, so just guessing

danielk117 commented 2 months ago

I compared all packages with pip list. There was only a few differences (not urllib3 or paho-mqtt) and I installed the same version in the fresh instance as in the broken one. So all python packages should be now on the same version. The landroid integration and my test script are still working...

Seems to be not a dependency problem.

Is there any unique client side ID used for authentification? I mean unique for an HA instance. which might by blocked on server side?

MTrab commented 2 months ago

No, no unique ID either

MTrab commented 2 months ago

Does this return an access and refresh token?

"""Test file for debugging only."""

import requests

url = ""
request_body = {
    "grant_type": "password",
    "client_id": "150da4d2-bb44-433b-9429-3773adc70a2a",
    "scope": "*",
    "username": "ACCOUNT-EMAIL",
    "password": "ACCOUNT-PASSWORD",
headers = {
    "Accept": "application/json",
    "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",

req =, request_body, headers=headers)

danielk117 commented 2 months ago


With the fresh instance I got an access token.

danielk117 commented 2 months ago

I've checked the request headers, there is no ID or something else. I don't know if there is anything in the TCP connection... According the response headers, there is a cloudflare server responding. So I think cloudflare is doing some "fingerprinting magic"...

MTrab commented 2 months ago

Too many requests?! Interesting 🤔 But why?! Do you have multiple mowers?

danielk117 commented 2 months ago

I had two mowers in my account for one or two days. A few hours after unlinking one of them, the integrations stops working. So yes, this could be a reason.

MTrab commented 2 months ago

Shouldn't trigger at too many requests error though. Very strange. Might try to build in some backoff logic to a 429 response, like when getting a 504 error.

MTrab commented 2 months ago

In 5 minutes or so, please try changing pyworxcloud version 4.1.11 in the landroid_cloud manifest.json file. This adds progressive backoff to the 429 error response to see if that fixes the issue (might not fix it right away as the block needs to go away first)

danielk117 commented 2 months ago

I updated to the newer pyworxcloud, but I'm still blocked...

As the integration is not configured for main instance now, I will stop testing for now. I've read about a maximum wait time of 24 hours for cloudflare rate limiting. So I will test again in >= 24 hours. 😉

Thanks for your help. I will report tomorrow.

MTrab commented 2 months ago

Could you try v5.0.1 to see if it gives better response to the error?

Rom1-B commented 2 months ago

The error became "Too many requests to the API - Try again in 24 hours" on my first attempt and I hadn't tried for several days.

MTrab commented 2 months ago

At least more correctly described to the user now. But I have no idea on why the API returns 429 for you guys