MTrab / pyworxcloud

PyPI module for integrating with Worx Cloud devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
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AttributeError: 'Client' object has no attribute '_on_pre_connect'. Did you mean: 'on_pre_connect'? #171

Closed MarkResting closed 1 year ago

MarkResting commented 1 year ago

Hi, after i was able to get pyworxcloud running on windows I tried the setup on a linux ubuntu.

I'm getting the above Error,... Is there an issue with the Versions in combination with paho.mqtt.python? I installed the latest Versions.

Would love if someone could help.

If you need more Information, let me know.

Thex a lot!!!!


MTrab commented 1 year ago

How have you installed this? From PIP? In that case everything should be handled correct.

MarkResting commented 1 year ago

OMG, I installed it with: phyton Was not aware that there is a differen,... SORRY.

So the Issue is solved ;-) Thx a lot for that nice development and the very good support!

Nex thing on my agenda is to by a coffee for you!

Thx a lot, Mark.

P.S.: Mybe a stupid question, but is it possible to use an existing MQTT Server?

MTrab commented 1 year ago

Existing MQTT server? What do you mean? It uses AWS MQTT server as that's what Positec has decided to use - no way to change that to anything else.

MarkResting commented 1 year ago

I just thougt that i can avoid the insatllation of this paho MQTT due to i already have an MQTT Server running. But looks like not. Sorry for the stupid question, i'm new to all of this.

May be another question, hope it's not steeling all of youre time,... I saw in the UTILS Folder a lot of *.py functions looks like they can give me already Informatioins about the battery and so on.

Maybe you can give me a short excample how i can use them?

Kind regards, Mark

MTrab commented 1 year ago

PahoMQTT is the connector needed to connect TO an MQTT server - it's not a server.

MarkResting commented 1 year ago

Yeah, got that. Thx.

And is there an Excample for the other functions within UTILS?

MTrab commented 1 year ago

Not currently, no - and this module requires a bit of programming experience.

MarkResting commented 1 year ago

Do you know if there is still a limit for update requests? or can i rrefresh that every 30 seconds?

MTrab commented 1 year ago

There is no need, as the module handles this by itself. DO NOT FORCE REFRESH like that