MUN-CS2005 / python-runner

codesender-project-cteam created by GitHub Classroom
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User Stories #23

Open JamesOlford opened 1 year ago

JamesOlford commented 1 year ago

Our groups user stories are submitted in the comments of this issue

JamesOlford commented 1 year ago

@tkyDevs user stories

Ceasar is a test giver at pretty big university. Some of the tests are taken at a computer lab and in order to accomodate every student Ceasar has to seat every student side by side. To prevent cheating Ceasar wants a way to show the questions of the test in a different order for each student, preventing students to easily cheat.

Nivek is a teacher at a school in a small town. The Computer Science program at the school does not have a lot of students yet, so Nivek thought he could use his free time to go over the code that every student inputs into the "codeServer" console so he can see what each student is strugling with. Nivek wants a way for the server to log every python input for each student; This would help him to better understand what his students need from him.

JamesOlford commented 1 year ago

@JamesOlford user story

User story assumes code challenges are implanted. Loid is a student who is new to programming and is trying out the “code server” for the first time. He is looking to get better at coding and can’t understand what the challenges want out of him. He tries to write the program for code challenges and without feedback is unable to understand what he needs to do and research to get better.

singhripudaman commented 1 year ago

@singhripudaman user story

John is a professor using the code server as an online environment. He wants his students to be able to resume their work from home as well. He also wants to be able to see their code to check on their progress. He also wants them to be able to collaborate between group members. He thinks a login page with assigned usernames would be helpful, so students can log in and pick up their work where they left it.

tkyDevs commented 1 year ago

@RuixL - As a quiz marker, I think a timing system is needed, because I may need to know if a student exceeded quiz time limit and how late the student submitted the quiz to mark.