MUN-CS2005 / python-runner

codesender-project-cteam created by GitHub Classroom
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Meetings Minutes 4 #88

Open RuixL opened 1 year ago

RuixL commented 1 year ago

Meeting 4

Note taker: RuixL SCRUM master: tkyDevs

The meeting focused on resolving bugs in JamesOlford's and tkyDevs' code branching sections.RuixL had no idea about how to test logdata, and the meeting solved this problem. The final results obtained through the meeting: reviewed pull requests, solved merge conflicts, refactored to snake_case to comply with pylint standards and for consistency.


JamesOlford: Completed his work and actively participated in the discussions trushat: No participation in any activities so far. singhripudaman: He did his job and efficiently helped others to solve their problems. tkyDevs: Completed his work and actively participated in the discussions RuixL: Finished his task.

JamesOlford commented 1 year ago

JamesOlford: upload/download of code segments trushat: database complete upgrade singhripudaman: pylint feedback tkyDevs: admin page RuixL: timing system

tkyDevs commented 1 year ago

Group agreed to not utilize the template module, as the project went in a different direction.