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IdentityServer4 Without Entity Framework - Forty Years of Code #50

Open utterances-bot opened 4 years ago

utterances-bot commented 4 years ago

IdentityServer4 Without Entity Framework - Forty Years of Code

IdentityServer4 is arguably the most popular OpenID Connect server on the .NET platform, but like ASP.NET Core Identity, if you want persistence, you either have to accept considerable Entity Framework baggage or write it yourself. Fortunately the DIY route is easy: just three small tables and 13 SQL statements gets the job done. This post walks you through a basic IdentityServer setup with custom user-data and grant persistence using ADO.NET and SQL Server.

dmdymov commented 4 years ago

Thanks. Just what I needed.

bradtwurst commented 4 years ago

helpful article.

a question: for the Grants table, what should happen when the expiration on the grant passes? Should there be a clean-up process?

a note: the latest quickstart UI has changed a bit

kevonh commented 4 years ago

Do you have a plan to update this for .Net Core 3.1 and the newer version of IdentityServer4 ?

MV10 commented 4 years ago

@kevonh I don't have any plans to update it at this time. Unfortunately the non-technical decision-makers pushed us into Ping Auth and Ping Federate rather than IdentityServer, so I don't currently have a need to work on this. Also I took a mind-numbingly dull corporate position dealing with a very legacy codebase (it pays the bills) and the scope of my current work is as interesting as watching paint dry, so the blog is on the back-burner for the moment.

Given the .NET release cadence, I'd be targeting .NET 5 if I were to get back into this. But most likely when I resume blogging it'll be more focused on programming for my electronics hobbies unless something big changes at the day job.

cr1pto commented 4 years ago

Hi Jon, this is excellent. I am interested in creating a PR for this (or just forking if you don't care about this anymore) for net core 3.1). Thanks so much for digging in and making it easier for us!

MV10 commented 4 years ago

@cloudstrifebro Sure, I'd be happy to see a PR. Thanks.