MVCoconut / coconut.ui

Wow, such reactive view! Much awesome!
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@:controlled stoped working in Haxe 4.3 #95

Open AdrianV opened 1 year ago

AdrianV commented 1 year ago

I have this little example that compiles fine under Haxe 4.2.5 or less. With Haxe 4.3.1 it complains with:

"expression should be a field or of type State (found Int)" - for model.value in <ValStepper value={model.value} step={model.step} />


#if !macro
import coconut.ui.*;
import coconut.Ui.hxx;
import coco.*;
import tink.domspec.*;
import haxe.DynamicAccess;

import js.html.*;
import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
using tink.MacroApi;
using tink.CoreApi;

import js.Browser.document;
import tink.state.Scheduler;

class ValStepper extends coconut.ui.View {

    @:attribute var step:Int = 1;
    @:controlled var value:Int;

    function render() 
      <div class="counter">
        <button onclick={value -= step}>-</button>
        <button onclick={value += step}>+</button>

class TestModel implements Model {
    @:observable var step: Int = 5;
    @:editable var value: Int = 0;

    @:transition function setStep(v) {
        return {step: v};

class TestView1 extends coconut.ui.View {

    @:attribute var model: TestModel;

    function render() {
        return <>
                <ValStepper value={model.value} step={model.step} />


class Main {
    static var model = new TestModel();

    static function main() {
        Renderer.mount(document.getElementById('app'), hxx(<TestView1 model={model} />));


-cp src
-D analyzer-optimize
-main Main
--js bin/test.js

--library coconut.vdom
--library coconut.ui

--dce full


    <div id="app">

    <script src="test.js" />