MW-Peachy / Peachy

The official MediaWiki PHP bot framework. Current Version: 2.0 alpha 8
GNU General Public License v3.0
26 stars 21 forks source link

Upload function broken #119

Open Steinsplitter opened 5 years ago

Steinsplitter commented 5 years ago

Upload function no longer works:

API Error...

Code: badupload_file Text: File upload parameter "file" is not a file upload; be sure to use "multipart/form-data" for your POST and include a filename in the "Content-Disposition" header.

Upload error...

This is happening on labs (stretch), on the old trusty system it works. Cannot reproduce.

Steinsplitter commented 5 years ago

Works on trusty with php 5 but not on stretch with php7.

tools.sbot@tools-sgebastion-06:[~/Peachy/test]:` cat index.php <?php $homedir = "/data/project/sbot/Peachy/";

require( $homedir."Peachy/Init.php" );

$site = Peachy::newWiki( "commons" );

    $site->set_runpage( null );
    $title = "File:Test.svg";
    $title2 = str_replace(" ", "_", $title);
    $titlelocal =  "Test.svg";

echo "\n\nTITLE UPLOAD:" . $title2 . "\n\nTITLELOCAL:" . $titlelocal . "\n\n"; $site->initImage( $title2 )->api_upload($titlelocal,'', "testupload", $watch = null, $ignorewarnings = true, $async = false ); $site->initPage( $title2 )->purge(); ?> tools.sbot@tools-sgebastion-06:[~/Peachy/test]: php index.php Checking for updates...

Peachy is up to date.

Loading Peachy (version 2.0 (alpha 8))...

Logging in to as SteinsplitterBot, using a saved login cookie

TITLE UPLOAD:File:Test.svg


Getting image info for File:Test.svg...

Getting page info for File:Test.svg..

API Error...

Code: badupload_file Text: File upload parameter "file" is not a file upload; be sure to use "multipart/form-data" for your POST and include a filename in the "Content-Disposition" header.

Upload error...

Getting page info for File:Test.svg..