MWATelescope / mwa_hyperdrive

Calibration software for the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) radio telescope
Mozilla Public License 2.0
69 stars 3 forks source link

Does not appear to check for impossible frequencies #30

Open d3v-null opened 2 months ago

d3v-null commented 2 months ago

If you do something stupid like ask hyperdrive to evaluate the beam at -1GHz, it appears to cause a memory access error on HIP.

# salloc --nodes=1 --partition=gpu-highmem --account=pawsey0875-gpu -t 08:00:00 --gres=gpu:4
module load singularity/3.11.4-nohost
export obsid=1087251016
export outdir="${MYSCRATCH}/${obsid}"
mkdir -p $outdir
export metafits="${outdir}/${obsid}.metafits"
[ -f "$metafits" ] || wget -O "$metafits" $''${obsid}
export srclist=${outdir}/srclist_pumav3_EoR0LoBES_EoR1pietro_CenA-GP_2023-11-07.yaml
[[ $srclist =~ srclist_puma && ! -f "$srclist" ]] && wget -O $srclist "${srclist##*/}"
export MWA_BEAM_FILE="$MYSOFTWARE/mwa_full_embedded_element_pattern.h5"
[ -f $MWA_BEAM_FILE ] || wget -O "$MWA_BEAM_FILE" $''
export hyp_toml="${outdir}/hyp_conf.toml"

export nchans=1000
export ntimes=100
export nobeam="false"

cat >$hyp_toml <<EOF
no_beam = $nobeam
unity_dipole_gains = false

no_precession = false
cpu = false

source_list = "$srclist"
num_sources = 1

metafits = "$metafits"
filter_points = false
filter_gaussians = false
filter_shapelets = false
num_timesteps = $ntimes
ignore_dut1 = false
num_fine_channels = $nchans
middle_freq = 200000000.0
freq_res =      1280000.0

module load singularity/3.11.4-nohost
export ROCM_VER=6.1
export TAG="v0.3.0-setonix-rocm${ROCM_VER}"
export hyperdrive="singularity exec docker://d3vnull0/hyperdrive:$TAG hyperdrive"
eval $hyperdrive vis-simulate -vvv -- "$hyp_toml"      2>&1 | tee "${outdir}/log/hyp_vis-sim.log"