MWATelescope / mwalib

Library to read Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) raw visibilities, voltages and metadata into a common structure
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can't read gpuboxes when MILLITIM not set #52

Open d3v-null opened 2 years ago

d3v-null commented 2 years ago

there are several obsids where the MILLITIM header is not set correctly.


from the metafits:

Filename: /data/curtin_mwaeor/data/1059505936/raw/1059505936.metafits
No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
  0  PRIMARY       1 PrimaryHDU      63   ()      
  1  TILEDATA      1 BinTableHDU     52   256R x 19C   [I, I, I, 8A, A, I, I, I, 14A, E, E, E, 24I, E, 16I, I, 10A, E, 24E]   


 -> primary_hdu.header
SIMPLE  =                    T / conforms to FITS standard                      
BITPIX  =                    8 / array data type                                
NAXIS   =                    0 / number of array dimensions                     
EXTEND  =                    T                                                  
GPSTIME =           1059505936 / [s] GPS time of observation start              
EXPOSURE=                  112 / [s] duration of observation                    
FILENAME= 'high_season1_2456507' / Name of observation                          
MJD     =              56506.8 / [days] MJD of observation                      
DATE-OBS= '2013-08-02T19:12:00' / [UT] Date and time of observation             
LST     =     356.212681700136 / [deg] LST                                      
DUT1    =           0.05084286 / UT1-UTC from astropy.time.Time.delta_ut1_utc   
HA      = ' 00:00:00.00'       / [hours] hour angle of pointing center          
AZIMUTH =                  0.0 / [deg] Azimuth of pointing center               
ALTITUDE=                 90.0 / [deg] Altitude of pointing center              
RA      =     356.033853326675 / [deg] RA of pointing center                    
DEC     =   -26.78033855169699 / [deg] Dec of pointing center                   
RAPHASE =                  0.0 / [deg] RA of desired phase center               
DECPHASE=                -27.0 / [deg] DEC of desired phase center              
DELAYMOD=  / MWAX correlator delay mode                                         
ATTEN_DB=                  1.0 / [dB] global analogue attenuation, in dB        
SUN-DIST=     139.231890839331 / [deg] Distance from pointing center to Sun     
MOONDIST=    98.80546109496019 / [deg] Distance from pointing center to Moon    
JUP-DIST=     111.036656502106 / [deg] Distance from pointing center to Jupiter 
GRIDNAME= 'EOR1    '           / Pointing grid name                             
GRIDNUM =                    0 / Pointing grid number                           
CREATOR = 'DJacobs '           / Observation creator                            
PROJECT = 'G0009   '           / Project ID                                     
MODE    = 'HW_LFILES'          / Observation mode                               
RECVRS  = '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16' / Active receivers           
DELAYS  = '0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0' / Beamformer delays                 
CALIBRAT=                    F / Not intended for calibration                   
CENTCHAN=                  143 / Center coarse channel                          
CHANNELS= '131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147&'
CONTINUE  ',148,149,150,151,152,153,154&'                                       
CONTINUE  '' / Coarse channels                                                  
CHANSEL = '0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23' / Indi
SUN-ALT =    -49.2318908393306 / [deg] Altitude of Sun                          
FINECHAN=                 40.0 / [kHz] Fine channel width - correlator freq_res 
INTTIME =                  0.5 / [s] Individual integration time                
NAV_FREQ=                    4 / # of 10kHz chans avgd to make each fine chan   
NSCANS  =                  224 / Number of time instants in correlation products
NINPUTS =                  256 / Number of inputs into the correlation products 
NCHANS  =                  768 / Number of (averaged) fine channels in spectrum 
BANDWDTH=                30.72 / [MHz] Total bandwidth                          
FREQCENT=              182.415 / [MHz] Center frequency of observation          
TIMEOFF =                    0 / [s] Deprecated, use QUACKTIM or GOODTIME       
DATESTRT= '2013-08-02T19:12:00' / [UT] Date and time of correlations start      
RAWSCALE=                0.003 / Raw visibilities multiplied by this value      
VERSION =                  2.2 / METAFITS version number                        
TELESCOP= 'MWA     '                                                            
INSTRUME= '128T    '                                                            
QUACKTIM=                  0.5 / Seconds of bad data after observation starts   
GOODTIME=         1375470720.5 / OBSID+QUACKTIME as Unix timestamp              
DATE    = '2022-07-25T06:01:12' / UT Date of file creation                      
COMMENT After an observation starts, the receiver hardware changes take a       
COMMENT few seconds to stabilise.                                               
COMMENT QUACKTIM and GOODTIME represent the start of the first uncontaminated   
COMMENT data, rounded up to the next time-averaged data packet. Note that this  
COMMENT time may be before the first actual data in some or all gpubox files.   
COMMENT See metafits file documentation here:                                   
HISTORY Created by user apache                                                  
HISTORY Created on host                             
HISTORY Command: "mod_wsgi"       

first few ImageHDUs in the gpubox file:

Filename: 1059505936_20130802191158_gpubox01_00.fits
No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
  0  PRIMARY       1 PrimaryHDU      11   ()      
  1                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
  2                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
  3                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
  4                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
  5                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
  6                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
  7                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
  8                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
  9                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 10                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 11                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 12                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 13                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 14                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 15                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 16                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 17                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 18                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 19                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 20                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 21                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 22                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 23                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 24                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 25                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 26                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 27                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 28                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 29                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 30                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 31                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 32                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 33                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 34                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 35                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 36                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 37                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 38                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 39                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 40                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 41                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 42                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 43                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 44                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 45                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 46                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 47                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 48                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 49                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 50                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 51                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 52                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 53                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 54                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 55                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 56                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 57                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 58                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 59                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 60                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 61                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 62                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 63                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 64                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 65                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 66                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 67                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 68                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 69                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 70                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 71                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 72                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 73                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 74                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 75                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 76                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 77                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 78                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 79                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 80                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 81                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 82                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 83                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 84                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 85                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 86                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 87                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 88                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 89                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 90                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 91                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 92                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 93                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 94                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 95                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 96                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 97                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
 98                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
 99                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
100                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
101                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
102                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
103                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
104                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
105                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
106                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
107                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
108                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
109                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
110                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
111                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
112                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
113                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
114                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
115                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
116                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
117                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
118                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   
119                1 ImageHDU        12   (66048, 32)   float32   
120                1 ImageHDU        10   (66048, 32)   float32   


SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard             
BITPIX  =                  -32 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    0 / number of data axes                            
EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensions            
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H 
TIME    =           1375470717 / Unix time (seconds)                            
MILLITIM=                    0 / Milliseconds since TIME                        
INTTIME =                  0.5 / Integration time (s)                           
PROJID  = 'G0009' / MWA Project Id                                              
OBSID   = '1059505936' / MWA Observation Id                                     



XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           /Image Extension created by MWA DataCapture      
BITPIX  =                  -32 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of data axes                            
NAXIS1  =                66048 / length of data axis 1                          
NAXIS2  =                   32 / length of data axis 2                          
PCOUNT  =                    0 /                                                
GCOUNT  =                    1 /                                                
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H 
TIME    =           1375470717 / Unix time (seconds)                            
MILLITIM=                    0 / Milliseconds since TIME                        
INTTIME =                  0.5 / Integration time (s)                           


XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           / IMAGE extension                                
BITPIX  =                  -32 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of data axes                            
NAXIS1  =                66048 / length of data axis 1                          
NAXIS2  =                   32 / length of data axis 2                          
PCOUNT  =                    0 / required keyword; must = 0                     
GCOUNT  =                    1 / required keyword; must = 1                     
TIME    =           1375470717 / Unix time (seconds)                            
MILLITIM=                    0 / Milliseconds since TIME                        
INTTIME =                  0.5 / Integration time (s)                           


XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           /Image Extension created by MWA DataCapture      
BITPIX  =                  -32 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of data axes                            
NAXIS1  =                66048 / length of data axis 1                          
NAXIS2  =                   32 / length of data axis 2                          
PCOUNT  =                    0 /                                                
GCOUNT  =                    1 /                                                
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H 
TIME    =           1375470718 / Unix time (seconds)                            
MILLITIM=                    0 / Milliseconds since TIME                        
INTTIME =                  0.5 / Integration time (s)                           


XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           / IMAGE extension                                
BITPIX  =                  -32 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of data axes                            
NAXIS1  =                66048 / length of data axis 1                          
NAXIS2  =                   32 / length of data axis 2                          
PCOUNT  =                    0 / required keyword; must = 0                     
GCOUNT  =                    1 / required keyword; must = 1                     
TIME    =           1375470718 / Unix time (seconds)                            
MILLITIM=                    0 / Milliseconds since TIME                        
INTTIME =                  0.5 / Integration time (s)                           


XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           /Image Extension created by MWA DataCapture      
BITPIX  =                  -32 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of data axes                            
NAXIS1  =                66048 / length of data axis 1                          
NAXIS2  =                   32 / length of data axis 2                          
PCOUNT  =                    0 /                                                
GCOUNT  =                    1 /                                                
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H 
TIME    =           1375470719 / Unix time (seconds)                            
MILLITIM=                    0 / Milliseconds since TIME                        
INTTIME =                  0.5 / Integration time (s)                           


XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           / IMAGE extension                                
BITPIX  =                  -32 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of data axes                            
NAXIS1  =                66048 / length of data axis 1                          
NAXIS2  =                   32 / length of data axis 2                          
PCOUNT  =                    0 / required keyword; must = 0                     
GCOUNT  =                    1 / required keyword; must = 1                     
TIME    =           1375470719 / Unix time (seconds)                            
MILLITIM=                    0 / Milliseconds since TIME                        
INTTIME =                  0.5 / Integration time (s)                           


XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           /Image Extension created by MWA DataCapture      
BITPIX  =                  -32 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of data axes                            
NAXIS1  =                66048 / length of data axis 1                          
NAXIS2  =                   32 / length of data axis 2                          
PCOUNT  =                    0 /                                                
GCOUNT  =                    1 /                                                
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H 
TIME    =           1375470720 / Unix time (seconds)                            
MILLITIM=                    0 / Milliseconds since TIME                        
INTTIME =                  0.5 / Integration time (s)    

I would expect that every second HDU should have the MILLITIM set to 500, but instead we have duplicate timestamps.

via birli, we can get the expected timesteps from mwalib according to the metafits. where there is a p next to the timestep, that timestep appears in provided timesteps.

[2022-07-25T06:49:30Z INFO  birli::cli] birli version 0.7.0
    Compiled on git commit hash: <no git info>
                Thu, 14 Jul 2022 12:46:49 +0000
             with compiler rustc 1.61.0 (fe5b13d68 2022-05-18)

    observation name:     high_season1_2456507
    Array position:       { longitude: 116.6708°, latitude: -26.7033°, height: 377.827m }
    Phase centre:         (0.0000°, -27.0000°) => (0h00m00.0000s, -27d00m00.0000s)
    Pointing centre:      (356.0339°, -26.7803°) => (23h44m08.1247s, -26d46m49.2187s)
    Scheduled start:      2013-08-02 19:12:00.000 UTC, unix=1375470720.000, gps=1059505936.000, mjd=4882187520.000, lmst=356.2094°, lmst2k=356.0303°, lat2k=-26.7803°
    Scheduled end:        2013-08-02 19:13:52.000 UTC, unix=1375470832.000, gps=1059506048.000, mjd=4882187632.000, lmst=356.6773°, lmst2k=356.4986°, lat2k=-26.7804°
    Scheduled duration:   112.000s = 224 * 0.500s
    Quack duration:       0.500s =   1 * 0.500s
    Output duration:      112.000s =  56 * 2.000s (4x)
    Scheduled Bandwidth:  30.720MHz =  24 *  32 * 40.000kHz
    Output Bandwidth:     30.720MHz =       768 * 40.000kHz
    Timestep details (all=230, provided=112, common=1, good=1, select=221, flag=230):
             2013-08-02 UTC +  unix [s]        gps [s]         p  c  g  s  f 
       ts0:      19:11:57.000  1375470717.000  1059505933.000  p           f 
       ts1:      19:11:57.500  1375470717.500  1059505933.500              f 
       ts2:      19:11:58.000  1375470718.000  1059505934.000  p  c     s  f 
       ts3:      19:11:58.500  1375470718.500  1059505934.500           s  f 
       ts4:      19:11:59.000  1375470719.000  1059505935.000  p        s  f 
       ts5:      19:11:59.500  1375470719.500  1059505935.500           s  f 
       ts6:      19:12:00.000  1375470720.000  1059505936.000  p        s  f 
       ts7:      19:12:00.500  1375470720.500  1059505936.500           s  f 
       ts8:      19:12:01.000  1375470721.000  1059505937.000  p     g  s  f 
       ts9:      19:12:01.500  1375470721.500  1059505937.500           s  f 
      ts10:      19:12:02.000  1375470722.000  1059505938.000  p        s  f 
      ts11:      19:12:02.500  1375470722.500  1059505938.500           s  f 

mwalib does not give any warning about these duplicate timesteps.

Notes from Andrew Williams' analysis of GPU box timing, written in 2020:

2012 to 2014(ish): The Dark Ages - chaos and uncertainty, before the civilised era. Code changed day-to-day, there were no dipole tests or flags, and the QUACKTIME and GOODTIME cards were a distant dream. Leap second offsets were hard-coded in dozens of places. Don't trust any timestamps to better than a few seconds. The data in a visibility file starts anywhere from -1 to 4 seconds after the obsid, and the first 0-4 seconds should be discarded, depending on correlator averaging time. This era is why Cotter discards the first four seconds of data, by default. Here be dragons in the data.

2014(ish) to mid 2017 : The Renaissance - the code is stabilising, dipole tests and flags exist. From here, visibility files should always start 2 seconds after the start of an observation. There is no QUACKTIM or GOODTIME card in original the metafits file, but newly created metafits files will have those cards.

mid 2017 to now : The Modern Era - stable correlator code, no more leap seconds. QUACKTIM and GOODTIME headers, and data files that always start exactly 2 seconds after the obsid. Because of that 2 seconds without data, only attenuation settings should ever contaminate recorded data, only if the initial and final attenuations are different, and only for one correlator dump time.

2021 onwards: The Future - new (already tested) receiver code drops attenuation change times to < 0.5 seconds. The new MWAX correlator solves all of the problems of the old correlator, and has no bugs of its own. The promise of new receivers heralds the dawn of a new age