MWDelaney / sage-acf-wp-blocks

Composer library for generating ACF Gutenberg blocks from templates. Intended for use with Roots/Sage (
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ACF 5.9 Inner Blocks #42

Closed djmtype closed 3 years ago

djmtype commented 4 years ago

ACF 5.9 is right around the corner. I've been trying out the beta with this library, but it seems to fail, probably for obvious reasons – ACF (or WP) is using a parameter this library doesn't yet support in order to get inner blocks working. __experimental_jsx

I tried getting it to work but modifying sage-acf-gutenberg-blocks.php by adding this: '__experimental_jsx' => 'SupportsJSX', then respectfully adding SupportsJSX: true to my template, but that was wishful thinking as it didn't work as intended.

I'm basically following Elliot's inner block example:

Has anyone tried ACF 5.9 beta with this library yet?

tedw commented 4 years ago

Not yet but am anxious to try it out. ACF 5.9 Beta2 was released today FYI:

Dorf commented 4 years ago

@djmtype I have it working with ACF 5.9 Beta3. Update sage-acf-gutenberg-blocks.php with:

$file_headers = get_file_data($file_path, [
   'title' => 'Title',
  'supports_jsx' => 'SupportsInnerBlocks',

And then

// If the SupportsInnerBlocks header is set in the template, restrict this block mode feature
if (!empty($file_headers['supports_jsx'])) {
   $data['supports']['__experimental_jsx'] = $file_headers['supports_jsx'] === 'true' ? true : false;

And then for the template

  Title: My Inner Block
  Mode: auto
  Align: full
  SupportsAlign: false
  SupportsMode: true
  SupportsInnerBlocks: true

<div class="parent-div" data-acf="{{$block['data']['some_thing']}}">
    <InnerBlocks  />
djmtype commented 4 years ago

@Dorf Thanks a bunch. That worked.

Though, I wonder why Elliot's example, posted here, didn't work for me.

djmtype commented 4 years ago

@Dorf Doesn't seem to work with ACF official 5.9 release. Is it working for you with WP 5.5?

alfaice commented 4 years ago

@djmtype It seems that from 5.9 RC1 the “__experimental_jsx” flag changed to “jsx”, so changing that should make it work again:

// If the SupportsInnerBlocks header is set in the template, restrict this block mode feature
if (!empty($file_headers['supports_jsx'])) {
   $data['supports']['jsx'] = $file_headers['supports_jsx'] === 'true' ? true : false;
djmtype commented 4 years ago

@alfaice Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for me. Also, cleared my browser cache, used a different browser. ACF 5.9 Pro is the only active plugin with a fresh WP 5.5 install.

Inside the editor, it doesn't allow me to place any Gutenberg blocks inside the parent-div ACF block.

// sage-acf-gutenberg-blocks.php

$file_headers = get_file_data($file_path, [
                    'title' => 'Title',
                    'description' => 'Description',
                    'category' => 'Category',
                    'icon' => 'Icon',
                    'keywords' => 'Keywords',
                    'mode' => 'Mode',
                    'align' => 'Align',
                    'post_types' => 'PostTypes',
                    'supports_align' => 'SupportsAlign',
                    'supports_anchor' => 'SupportsAnchor',
                    'supports_mode' => 'SupportsMode',
                    'supports_multiple' => 'SupportsMultiple',
                    'supports_jsx' => 'SupportsInnerBlocks',
                    'enqueue_style'     => 'EnqueueStyle',
                    'enqueue_script'    => 'EnqueueScript',
                    'enqueue_assets'    => 'EnqueueAssets',

if (!empty($file_headers['supports_jsx'])) {
  $data['supports']['jsx'] = $file_headers['supports_jsx'] === 'true' ? true : false;


  Title: Inner Block
  Mode: auto
  Align: full
  SupportsAlign: false
  SupportsMode: true
  SupportsInnerBlocks: true
  Category: formatting

<div class="parent-div">
    <InnerBlocks  />
alfaice commented 4 years ago

@djmtype I also just tried it with a clean Sage10 install and WP 5.5. Can you try changing the mode on the block to preview? It seems that on edit mode it also doesn't let me add one, but it seems to work on preview mode.

  Title: Inner Block
  Mode: preview
  Align: full
  SupportsAlign: false
  SupportsMode: true
  SupportsInnerBlocks: true
  Category: formatting
djmtype commented 4 years ago

@alfaice Mode: preview or auto– with Sage 9.0.9. SupportsInnerBlocks: true is completely being ignored. I can't recall which ACF beta and WP version I had it working either. This sucks.

djmtype commented 4 years ago

@alfaice I had it placed in the wrong area. Needs to follow after the data object. Now it works with WP 5.5 and Sage 9.

Does it still not work with Sage 10?

alfaice commented 4 years ago

@djmtype Yeah, it still works. Glad that you figured it out!

speakerbug commented 3 years ago

This should now be fixed in the new release that was just merged in! :)