MWDelaney / sage-acf-wp-blocks

Composer library for generating ACF Gutenberg blocks from templates. Intended for use with Roots/Sage (
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Fixed error in Sage9 with multiple block folders #53

Open blift opened 3 years ago

blift commented 3 years ago

New feature with multiple folders in sage9 throw the critical error with wrong file paths. Foreach loop for filter "sage-acf-gutenberg-blocks-templates" mixed wrong path with block files and return the error. I've added new filter "sage-acf-gutenberg-blocks-other-templates" for other folders. This filter can be override in filters.php by new array. (readme updated with example). Default filter "sage-acf-gutenberg-blocks-templates" return only 'views/blocks' if developer not decide to use more block folders.

Not tested with sage10 but, the variable $view return the same result as before

robmeijerink commented 3 years ago

Duplicate of #51

blift commented 3 years ago

Not exactly, previous request with bug fixes not working. Foreach loop return each blocks to all folders and return error because can't find duplicate blocks in different location.

robmeijerink commented 3 years ago

Hi @blift, thank you for your feedback. I had another look at my code. If I understand you correctly, you ran into an issue when having a duplicate block in a different location? So for example /blocks/banner.blade.php and /blokks/banner.blade.php? Interesting, I did not test that scenario. 😊 In this case I see that both blocks render in the page.

However, I see the same issue / result happening in your solution when using your filter in this scenario:

add_filter('sage-acf-gutenberg-blocks-other-templates', function ($folders) {
    $folders[] = 'views/blokks';
    return $folders;

I don't think that having a different filter with the same purpose fixes the issue in this scenario. Am I overlooking something in your PR? 🤔

blift commented 3 years ago

Hi @robmeijerink, thanks for new commit and code check. No that wasn't issue with duplicate the same block in different location. Previous pull #51 mixed wrong path to folder with blocks. I've checked your fixed commit, added yesterday, and works fine.