MWDelaney / sage-acf-wp-blocks

Composer library for generating ACF Gutenberg blocks from templates. Intended for use with Roots/Sage (
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Block not creating markup on frontend #59

Closed aj-fick closed 3 years ago

aj-fick commented 3 years ago

I've created a block that seems to be working in the editor as expected, however it does not display on the front end of the website at all. Instead of seeing the markup I've created, I see the following comment:

<!-- wp:acf/hero {
    "id": "block_60623e597a1be",
    "name": "acf\/hero",
    "data": {
        "image": 54,
        "_image": "field_606221216eeaf",
        "kicker": "Test Kicker",
        "_kicker": "field_606221386eeb0",
        "heading": "Test Heading",
        "_heading": "field_6062214e6eeb1",
        "blurb": "Test Blurb",
        "_blurb": "field_606221616eeb2",
        "call_to_action": "",
        "_call_to_action": "field_606221736eeb3"
    "align": "full",
    "mode": "auto"
} /-->

All of the details within that comment are correct, but there's no HTML. Below is the code in my block:

  Title: Hero
  Description: A Hero with a large image, title, kicker, blurb, and CTA button.
  Icon: embed-photo
  Category: media
  Align: full
  Mode: auto
  SupportsAlign: full
  SupportsMode: true
  SupportsMultiple: true

<div data-{{ $block['id'] }} class="tsm component mt-0 hero {{ $block['classes'] }}">
  <div class="jumbotron jumbotron-fluid" style="min-height: 750px; height: 75vh; background-image: url({{ App\asset_path('images/stock/desks.jpg') }}); background-size: cover;">
    <div class="container h-100">
      <div class="row mt-5 h-100 align-items-center">
        <div class="col-12 col-md-8">
          <div class="kicker kicker-dash">
            <p class="font-weight-bolder text-primary">
              Test Kicker
          <h1 class="display-3 font-weight-bolder">
            Something something header
          <div class="tagline">
              This is a test blurb that will be used to tell the user about something.
        <div class="col-12 col-md-4">
          <a href="" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">
            Test Button

This markup is visible in the editor and is styled appropriately.

robmeijerink commented 3 years ago

Did you use the_content filter on your output? @php apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content); @endphp for example?

aj-fick commented 3 years ago

This is the markup for the page I'm attempting to output on:


  <main class="container">
    {!! get_the_content() !!}

So, unless I'm misunderstanding, I'm outputting the content via the get_the_content() function. And I should note, that other blocks on that page, standard built-in WP blocks, are working.

robmeijerink commented 3 years ago

I see, as noted in these docs, get_the_content() does not use the the_content filter. I think that is the reason your block does not render. I'm not sure why the other built-in blocks are working, I have not looked into that yet.

aj-fick commented 3 years ago

@robmeijerink 🤦🏼 Thank you, That was precisely my issue.