MWSimple / AdminCrudBundle

AdminCrud genera un controlador muy básico para una Entity dada. Este controlador extiende e implementa un controlador Super Genial.
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[Insight] Text files should end with a newline character - in Controller/RedirectingController.php, line 19 #110

Closed gonzaloalonsod closed 7 years ago

gonzaloalonsod commented 7 years ago

in Controller/RedirectingController.php, line 19

This file ends with no newline character. It won't render properly on a terminal, and it's considered a bad practice. Add a simple line feed as the last character to fix it.

        $url = str_replace($pathInfo, rtrim($pathInfo, ' /'), $requestUri);

        return $this->redirect($url, 301);

Posted from SensioLabsInsight