MWSimple / AdminCrudBundle

AdminCrud genera un controlador muy básico para una Entity dada. Este controlador extiende e implementa un controlador Super Genial.
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Move from IvoryCKEditorBundle to FOSCKEditorBundle #114

Closed kunicmarko20 closed 6 years ago

kunicmarko20 commented 6 years ago


We took over IvoryCKEditorBundle and now it is under FriendsOfSymfony wing and it is renamed to FOSCKEditorBundle.

We are helping active libraries that are depending on IvoryCKEditorBundle migrate to FOSCKEditorBundle.

The Bundle will be released in the next few days, do not merge until the bundle gets released so we can change the version in the composer.

Thank you for your time.

gonzaloalonsod commented 6 years ago

Hello Good thank you.